Posts Tagged "church"

REGENER8 For Street Smart Teens by Robert Cook

Posted by on Mar 31, 2017 | 6 comments

REGENER8 For Street Smart Teens by Robert Cook

REGENER8: Straight Talk for Street Smart Teens is different from most books I feature but one of you knows someone who needs it, a teen, parent, or youth pastor. Rob Cook grew up street-smart and in trouble. With no father, a deaf mother, and four brothers, he grew up stealing to make ends meet. He knew nothing of God and the church rejected him. Please leave a comment and sign in on the Rafflecopter at the bottom for a chance to win a print copy. 

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Grits, Gumbo & Going to Church by Martin Wiles

Posted by on Aug 30, 2016 | 1 comment

Grits, Gumbo & Going to Church by Martin Wiles

Martin Wiles has become a favorite of mine when it comes to devotionals. His earlier book, Grits, Grace and God, featured down-to-earth Christian devotionals which relate easily to people in any walk of life. He speaks directly to the heart of what makes human beings right with God. It is my pleasure to introduce you to his latest release, Grits, Gumbo & Going to Church

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Believer or Skeptic

Posted by on May 2, 2016 | 2 comments

Believer or Skeptic

God uses ordinary situations in our daily lives to reveal His extraordinary love and compassion. He chooses circumstances where we are least expecting Him to reveal His great love and convince us of His power and love. His desire is always to move us from skeptic to believer.

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The Perils of a Pastor’s Wife by Nan Jones

Posted by on Jul 3, 2015 | 26 comments

The Perils of a Pastor’s Wife by Nan Jones

Nan Jones’ new book, The Perils of a Pastor’s Wife, will guide you through the calamities of life and restore your confidence in God’s purpose and plan for your life and ministry. We would love to hear your comments! Sign in with the Rafflecopter at the end and gain extra points toward winning a signed copy! 

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