I have never met my guest, Buck Storm, but this interview made me smile. There is an easy-going, carefree feeling about the way he answered every question. I hope you enjoy it and take advantage of the opportunity to win a print copy of Buck’s debut novel, a work of literary fiction called The Miracle Man! Leave a comment and sign in on the Rafflecopter for even more chances to win!
Fabulous Fridays
Welcome Buck! Your author bio is quite intriguing. Tell us something about your life, work, and ministry, and family.
Family first—I married my best friend, Michelle, 26 years ago! I love her so much. Our son, Ransom, is 21 and recently married so we have a beautiful new daughter-in-law, Sarah Storm. My daughter, Willow, is nineteen and a joy, inside and out.
I’m afraid I’ve never been a very good nine-to-five type of guy. I grew up in Arizona, left when I was seventeen to play music on the streets in NYC, and eventually landed in Los Angeles in search of a music career. I found one, with side forays (sometimes long ones) along the way as a commercial diver and fisherman. I admit the “wide road” looked pretty good and I traveled quite a few miles on it. I’m so thankful that Jesus gently and wonderfully put His arm around my shoulder and pulled me back.
These days my life, work, and ministry are all kind of roll into one. I’m a singer/songwriter/purveyor of stories. I’ve been blessed to see the world with my guitar and my Jesus. The message God has given me to take out is very simple—the fact that the God of the Universe desires and invites us to a second-by-second, skin-to-skin relationship with Him. I’m excited to expand this message and my experiences into writing novels.
What made you decide to write your first novel?
I’ve been in love with words for as long as I can remember. Lewis’s vision, Hemingway’s dialogue, Salinger’s rhythm, the way Dylan or Cash take you through a lifetime of emotion in three and a half minutes… The great ones have a way of gathering and weaving together bits and pieces of life that we all recognize and identify with. I guess no one ever took the time to tell me I couldn’t be great as well. So, like a lot of things I’ve done in my life, I just closed my eyes and jumped. Funny thing, craft—or lack of it—has a way of teaching you very quickly that it might be a good idea to learn to swim before flinging yourself into the deep end of the pool. I thank Jesus that He sent along some very good encouragers and advisors my way.
What inspired The Miracle Man and who is your target audience?
We’ve all read those “Christian” novels that come off as nothing more than pet sermons dressed up in bad prose. I knew I didn’t want that. First and foremost, I wanted to write an entertaining book that would keep people up at night reading with a flashlight. My approach, whether music on stage or novels, has always been to strive for excellence and let my work be a byproduct of–and flow out of—my friendship with Jesus. I can’t help showing Him off! For me, I’ve found this the best way to effectively share my heart. I did think quite a bit as I wrote about friends and brothers (many who don’t know Jesus) that would pick the book up.
What character in your most recent novel is most like you?
Was that intentional, or did it just come about in the course of the writing? I have to admit there’s a little of me in Luke. Definitely not intentional, and I didn’t even realize it until people that know me well began to point little things out.
Tell us how you came up with the cover of your book.
The Venus Motel was a fictional place from a song on my first record. It made it into the story and eventually onto the book cover. The folks at LPC designed the cover and I think they did a great job.
Why did you choose the particular theme in The Miracle Man?
What were you trying to say to your readers? The theme probably chose me rather than the other way around. I love the fact that God is intimately involved with the smallest details of the lives of men. This is the great miracle to me. The God of the Universe that imagines stars and they become also helps me find my car keys. He loves us!
Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
Meeting my wife, hands down.
What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?
I’m constantly in Learn to Trust God 101 Class. But I’m growing! Always growing!
If you could tell potential readers one thing about The Miracle Man, what would it be?
I’ve had a specific prayer for this book from the start—that it would be a delight for people. I’d like my readers to find some joy and peace in this unsettled climate we live in. We have a glorious hope!
Please share the opening scene of The Miracle Man with us.
Luke Hollis—Chief of Police—is sitting on a hard pew in a hot, Arizona Wednesday evening church service. He doesn’t care for church (or his longtime rival Reverend Whitey Hicks) but it’s an excuse to get close to the organist, Ruby Brooks. He’s contemplating sneaking out when he feels an electric crackle in the room and Beauty Graham’s famous heat rash is healed. Needless to say, the place goes crazy. As more miracles happen and the town begins to unravel Luke tries to keep peace, all the while wrestling with the reality of God being involved in the lives of men.
Book Blurb:
Do you believe in miracles? The folks in Paradise Arizona just might! Love, loss, heroes, and grifters all come together in this heartfelt, quirky slice of Americana pie.
Welcome to Paradise, a sleepy, backwater town in the mountains of Southeastern Arizona where police chief Luke Hollis is perfectly content to concentrate on nothing but issuing the occasional speeding ticket. Well that and working up the nerve to approach his dispatcher, Ruby Brooks, for a date.
When an unexplained healing occurs during a service at the Mount Moriah Pentecostal Church of God, Hollis finds his simple belief system challenged and his life changed forever. Throw in a struggling minister, a world-class grifter, and a stranger with an unbelievable story of love and redemption and the stage is set for The Miracle Man.
Connect with Buck:
Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Buck-Storm/107925115911317
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/buckstorm/
Google+: https://plus.google.com/106547348678793404854
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/13967475.Buck_Storm
Twitter: https://twitter.com/buckstormmusic
Website: www.buckstorm.com
Book Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Miracle-Man-Buck-Storm/dp/1941103928/
Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-miracle-man-buck-storm/1122181648?ean=9781941103920
I agree, Norma, I can hear the joy in Buck Storm’s words. A joy for the Lord, family, friends and even for the little mundanes. I enjoyed hearing about the love for those dearest in his life. Very precious.
What resonated amusingly with me was Buck’s statement, “The God of the Universe that imagines stars and they become also helps me find my car keys.” I lose my keys the second I place them down. I had been on a hunt for my keys for much too long one time and it was approaching dire repercussions if I didn’t find them. After finally locating them and throwing all the kids in the car, my sweet friend of 30 years sat in the passenger seat and shared that within seconds of a silent plea to the Lord, I had located my keys. I know my friends heart and even though they were only keys, her prayer was fervent. I may not share about that answered prayer to many people, but it only solidifies to me how big our God is and how much we mean to Him.
I have seen Buck Storm’s book, but it is always nice to get a better idea about who the author is. I love knowing a little bit of the heart of whose book I am reading or considering. Thanks again.
I’m so glad you enjoyed the interview, Terrill!
Yes! Isn’t it good to know He’s with us? Thanks for taking the time to read the post!
It is nice to hear from you again, Buck. I love that you were inspired by Cash and Dylan. I stand in awe of songwriters who can make you tap your foot and also feel the joy or pain of their storyline. In this age of media, it is a challenge to compete using only words with film and music.
Thanks for stopping by to encourage Buck, Debra!
Hi Debra! Nice to hear from you to! Hope all is going well.
I forgot to mention that your plot sounds intriguing. Best of luck with the book.
Thanks guys! And thanks to Norma Gail for inviting me. I pray you all have a blessed day in the Lord!
You’re very welcome, Buck! A blessed day to you also!
Sounds intriguing! Would love to read this. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by! Buck has been traveling where he doesn’t have Internet. I know he will find your comment encipouraging!
Hope you will!
Loved this book! The characters are intriguing and Buck’s writing style will draw you into the story. I read his book on Kindle, but would love to have a print copy. Thanks, Norma.
You are welcome Carol! Thanks for being a great encourager!
Thanks Carol. Glad you liked it!
Great post, Buck. Your story sounds fascinating. 🙂
Thanks, Andrea. Sure enjoyed writing it. I’m hooked. Book 2 will be out next year and working on number 3 now. Blessings!
I loved that the Chief of Police went to church to work on getting a date with the piano player (well, organist), and got much more than he ever expected. I will absolutely have to read this book to find out what sweet and mighty miracles God did in these characters’ lives, and in that town. Thanks for the chance to win. Blessings. And keep writing, Buck.
Funny how I miss those characters. Hope you finish the ride with them! Thanks for the kind words!
Hey! Glad you all enjoyed (or are planning to enjoy) The Miracle Man! It’s a great encouragement to this traveling musicianary. Posts g this from a truck stop parking lot in Nevada on the way to do 5 concert nights in CA starting tomorrow. Your kind comments put a smile on my face and send me down the road with a song.
Fair winds!