Taking Time Off

Posted by on May 17, 2018 | 5 comments

Taking Time Off

I am taking the week off. Still recovering from knee replacement surgery. Watch for upcoming author interviews and book giveaways coming soon!


  1. Feel better soon, Norma Gail. Hugs and prayers.

    • Thanks, Gail! I’m coming along well but the left (non-operative knee) decided not to cooperate. Along with thyroid medication problems and exercises, I’m finding it hard to keep up.

  2. Norma Gail, prayers for your recovery.
    I had complete knee replacement surgeries on both knees, so can relate.
    Blessings, Tina

    • Thanks, Tina! The left one will probably be done in late summer. It is struggling with my rehab for the right.

      • Ah, yes, I remember those too Norma! It does get better, truly.
        I had mine done 8 months apart.
        Blessings, Tina

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