Take My Hand Again – Nancy P. Brummett

Posted by on Jul 24, 2015 | 12 comments

Take My Hand Again – Nancy P. Brummett

Nancy Parker Brummett has a passion for the elderly and caregivers. Take My Hand Again again is her second book dealing directly with elderly. Having cared for both her mother and mother-in-law in assisted living facilities, she can offer the advice that families need to provide what their loved ones need. Leave a comment at the end and join in the Rafflecopter for opportunities to win a copy of her book! 



Fabulous Fridays

Nancy, you are one of my favorite people to interview because of your enthusiasm and commitment to your cause and the wonderful way you have of telling stories and sharing information. Tell us something about yourself and how you started writing.

I knew I wanted to be a writer from the time I was eight. I wrote a poem for my mom and she said, “My, you are a writer aren’t you?” Not only did that encourage me, it taught me the power of words we say to children. I enjoyed writing at every opportunity all through school and majored in journalism in college. Professionally I wrote ad copy, children’s books, greeting cards, catalog copy, etc. Since 1998 I’ve been publishing books under personal contract and as works for hire.

Tell us a little about your family and how that has impacted your writing.

I realize that my writing has paralleled my life stages in many ways. When my two boys were younger I was writing children’s books for Current, Inc. Later I wrote books for women, and now, as I get older myself and have been involved in caring for my aging parents, I’m writing books for and about aging adults.

Share with our readers about your target audience and why it is so important to you to reach them.Take My Hand Again

So many people are desperate when they realize their parents are now going to require more of their help. It’s a bit like being dropped off in a foreign country without a map or the ability to speak the language. I’ve seen so many looks of desperation that I decided to publish some collective wisdom that can help others and be an encouragement to them as they take on the challenge of caring for their aging parents.

Has something one of your readers said or wrote ever given you pause, inspired you to think about your work a different way, or made you change some element of your narrative? 

I received an unsolicited comment from a reader of Take My Hand Again who said, “reading your book is like sitting in a support group circle with friends.” That is exactly the need I was hoping to meet so as a writer, a response like that is as good as a Pulitzer Prize!

What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?

Personally, He has been teaching me once again how faithful and trustworthy He is. Professionally, He is reminding me that following the call to write the books He gives me to write isn’t enough. It’s important to also let people know about them–which is why I appreciate the opportunity to be interviewed on your site.

What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?

I love to exercise regularly although I’m not fanatic about it. I like to alternate walking, strength training, and swimming laps. I also enjoy spending time with any of our 12 grandchildren whenever I can and traveling with my husband. We recently moved into a new house, however, so most of my free time lately has been dedicated to unpacking and making this new “downsized” house a home.

Can you tell us something that your readers might find surprising about you?

I love rabbits and showed them at the county fair in Tennessee as a teenager! I also love cats, especially my two, Molly and Beau.

Is there a scripture that really speaks to you?

They all do, but there is one passage I return to again and again. I was divorced at a young age, was a single mom for about seven years, and then married my wonderful husband Jim 27 years ago. In my Bible I wrote “my life verse” in the margin next to Philippians 3:13-14. It reads, “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Following God’s lead to write the books He gives me to write is a big part of that “pressing on!”

Are there any more books you want to write?

Before writing Take My Hand Again I published a devotional for seniors titled The Hope of Glory. It’s a compilation of lessons I developed while volunteering in assisted living centers. I believe the Lord is leading me to write Volume Two of The Hope of Glory and I have about one-third of it written so far.

Please share one of your favorite sections of your book with us.

In addition to the helpful tips in Take My Hand Again, it is replete with personal stories from me and the 25 people I interviewed about their care-giving experiences—some sad, some humorous, and some just incredibly moving. This is about me and my mom: On one of my visits to Tennessee from Colorado to visit my mother at her assisted living community the two of us started down the hall toward the dining room for dinner. Holding on to the railing that ran along one side of the wall with her right hand, my little five-foot mom reached her left hand out to grab hold of mine. “Somehow I always feel better when you are here to hold my hand,” she said, as down the hall we went.

Book Blurb:

Those who discover they must now intervene and care for an elder they love often wish they had a helpful neighbor or good friend who traversed this path ahead of them. Sharing useful, encouraging information and hope—delivered with warmth, humor and faith—Take My Hand Again is that trusted companion.

About the author:

Nancy Parker BrummettNancy was born, reared, and educated in Knoxville, TN. She moved to Colorado in 1977 and has been married to her husband, Jim, since 1988. Their blended family consists of four grown children, twelve grandchildren, and two cats, all of whom provide material for her writing. A member of Fellowship of the Rockies church, she lives and works in Colorado Springs, CO.

Nancy holds a B. S. Degree in Journalism and a M. S. Degree in English Education from the University of Tennessee. She holds a Professional Advancement Certificate in Gerontology from the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. Nancy frequently speaks to community organizations, MOPS groups and women’s groups. Presentation topics, summaries, and an audio presentation are available on her website, www.nancyparkerbrummett.com.

A former newspaper columnist, Nancy is also the author of The Hope of Glorya devotional for use in assisted living settings, Simply the Savior, an adult nonfiction book on simplifying life from a Christian perspective; It Takes a Home: And Other Lessons from the Heart (Faithful Woman), a book written to encourage parents that their role in the home is still far more critical than any role the village plays; The Journey of Elisa: From Switzerland to America, a historical fiction novel for readers 8-12 that is based on the immigration story of her great-grandmother; and Reconcilable Differences: Two Women Debate God’s Roles for Women, in which she and co-author Alice Scott-Ferguson debate the roles of Christian women by answering 25 questions from their differing perspectives.

Connect with Nancy:

Website: www.nancyparkerbrummett.com

Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nancy-Parker-Brummett-Author-Page/103538516405261?fref=ts

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/nancypbrummett/

Goodreads: NancyParkerBrummett

Twitter: @NancyPBrummett

Book Links: 

Take My Hand Again: http://www.amazon.com/Take-My-Hand-Again-Faith-Based/dp/0825443717

The Hope of Glory: http://www.amazon.com/Hope-Glory-Nancy-Parker-Brummett/dp/1938499328/

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. When I think that here is a book that doesn’t really apply to me, I end up reading the interview and feeling a bit convicted. Growing up one of two girls to a single mom, I was the baby and the one who didn’t really cause problems. My sister was more challenging growing up. We often tease about the irony of how she will be the one taking care of mom in her elderly years after causing her so much grief growing up. I’m not sure yet what message the Lord is trying to convey, but I was moved to tears as I read the interview with the realization that I would never leave my sister to take care of my mom alone. You life verse was especially poignant for me. Thank you both, Norma and Nancy, for this interview and the imprint on my heart.

  2. Oh, Terrill. We never know how the Lord will use our work to touch people in ways we never imagined. Thank you for sharing this. There is encouragement in the book for siblings working together to care for an aging parent. I pray it helps you both.

  3. I believe there are some people who are born to be “caregivers”. Some are forced into the role and scramble to figure it out, and others take up the slack when needed. But it really doesn’t matter how a person steps into the role. It can be a time never forgotten. Yes, some last moments are rough, others are sweet, and many are cherished. There have been a few times when I’ve been called on to come at the last moments, when another family member wanted support as final breaths were taken. I have never understood why, but perhaps I was able to give assurance? And there have been times when I was the main caregiver for months and the “drain” on reserves took its toil. Nancy, may God bless your book and speak to people who have their own unique path to walk.

    • Thank you for sharing your encouragement, Karen!

    • Yes it is a unique path, Karen. Thank so much for sharing your thoughts on this sensitive issue. You obviously have a gift for caring.

  4. one never knows what God’s gonna do in our lives 😀

    • But He always goes before us and prepares the way!

    • Isn’t that the truth! And even when we know our parents are getting older, it can still catch us unprepared when we realize our roles are changing.

  5. Having lived through this already with my late father from early 1999 through late 2002, I could only nod and smile as I read Nancy’s interview. It was a definite challenge. Even when Daddy was being confrontational or going through bouts of dementia, I never once despaired. The Lord granted me boatloads of patience, and even more humor because there were so, so many times when Daddy was at his worst, but still even he would laugh, and laughter makes the eventual tears hurt less.

    • What a blessing to have such wonderful memories!

    • So glad you knew where to go for that extra patience and grace, Felicia. Now you have a wonderful testimony to share with others who wonder how they will make it through this season of their lives. Thanks for sharing.

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