Posts Tagged "quilts"

A Patchwork of Promises: 30 Devotions for Quilters by Gayle Ottemiller

Posted by on Sep 23, 2016 | 6 comments

A Patchwork of Promises: 30 Devotions for Quilters by Gayle Ottemiller

Two of my favorite wedding gifts were quilts, lovingly stitched by dear friends. Not being a quilter myself, it is a time-consuming process that amazes me. Gayle Ottemiller is a third-generation quilter and her book, A Patchwork of Promises: 30 Devotions for Quilters, is one that every quilter should enjoy. I hope you’ll join in the fun and enter to win a copy of her book! Leave a comment at the end of the blog (please specify in your comment whether you would be interested in a print or ebook copy) and sign in on the Rafflecopter at the end for even more chances to win! Gayle is giving away both a print and e-book copy! 

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New Book Giveaway – A Patchwork of Promises: 30 Devotions for Quilters

Posted by on Sep 16, 2016 | Comments Off on New Book Giveaway – A Patchwork of Promises: 30 Devotions for Quilters

New Book Giveaway – A Patchwork of Promises: 30 Devotions for Quilters

Mark your calendars for Friday September 23rd through September 29th! My guest will be Gayle Ottemiller, author of A Patchwork of Promises: 30 Devotions for Quilters. I know you will enjoy meeting her! We will be offering a Rafflecopter giveaway of both a print and ebook copy of her devotional book! Tell your friends and join us! The more you share about it during the giveaway, the more chance you have to win! 

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