Two of my favorite wedding gifts were quilts, lovingly stitched by dear friends. Not being a quilter myself, it is a time-consuming process that amazes me. Gayle Ottemiller is a third-generation quilter and her book, A Patchwork of Promises: 30 Devotions for Quilters, is one that every quilter should enjoy. I hope you’ll join in the fun and enter to win a copy of her book! Leave a comment at the end of the blog (please specify in your comment whether you would be interested in a print or ebook copy) and sign in on the Rafflecopter at the end for even more chances to win! Gayle is giving away both a print and e-book copy!
Fabulous Fridays
A Patchwork of Promises: 30 Devotions for Quilters
Welcome, Gayle! Please introduce yourself and tell us how you started writing.
I hold B.S. and M.S. degrees from Syracuse University and have retired after working for twenty eight years with developmentally disabled adults for the state of New York and had open heart surgery. I began writing poetry as a twelve year old following spinal surgery which required a year in a full body cast. This was a great opportunity to read anything and everything and also to write. Today I find great value in the ministry of sharing God’s love through encouraging words of poetry and devotions, and creating warm comforters.
What inspired A Patchwork of Promises – 30 Devotions for Quilters?
I am new to quilting myself but own several quilts handed down through three generations of our family including my great-grandmother, grandmother, and mother. ‘The Golden Thread’ was inspired by a Victorian crazy quilt created by my great-grandmother on my father’s side. (See this devotion from my book later on in this interview.)
I am an avid crafter and a great admirer of crafts of all kinds, quilting being one of them. I also enjoy photography, calligraphy, and the German paper-craft of Scherenschnitte.
Are you a full-time writer or do you hold a day job? What is the biggest challenge/obstacle you face in protecting your writing time?
I am retired and have authored two books: A Patchwork of Promises – 30 Devotions for Quilters (Sonrise Devotions of Lighthouse Publications of the Carolinas) and Faith Lifts: When Life Lets You Down, a book of my poetry, photography, along with 10 of the poems set to original music (now with Redemption Press)
Devotions and poetry have been published in The Quiet Hour, War Cry Magazine, Vista, Chera and The Christian Communicator and The Good News Newspaper as well as the local newspaper in Syracuse, NY. I also work on the Teaching Team and Prayer team as well as write curriculum for small groups in my local church, Believer’s Chapel, in Cicero, New York
Tell us something about A Patchwork of Promises. Is it specifically for quilters, or will others enjoy it also?
This book holds appeal for quilters and for others as a gift book for those who love the craft. The original idea for this devotional came as I contemplated all of the crafts, craftsmen, and artisans mentioned in the Bible. Remember that Jesus was carpenter; so was my great-grandfather. My brother is a silversmith. Since I love all kinds of crafts, this will be the first of a series of devotionals based on other themes and focus, so keep watch!
What, in your mind, distinguishes A Patchwork of Promises from other books out there in the same genre?
These devotions focus on family stories, legacy, ministry outreach for children, college age adults, and those in nursing homes or hospital, the homeless, military personnel. In short, anyone who loves quilting or knows someone who loves quilting.
How would you like to inspire your readers?
Quilting offers so many benefits, from individual quiet time in prayer or completing special gifts for family members to wedding projects and new baby projects, to coming together as a group to complete projects for the homeless such as Ugly Quilts, or Prayer Quilts for nursing home residents and those going through tough times in the hospital. God is the Master Craftsman and we are made in his image. We can use our talents and gifts for his glory.
What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?
God has a plan and a purpose for every person. He has formed and designed us with specific gifts. Even though I am not by any means myself a professional quilter, I admire craftsmen and crafts in a variety of forms. I believe I’m an encourager and I want more than anything to use my writing abilities to spread the word of God and to tell others of his unending love for them. He gave his Son for that purpose.
Do you have a favorite or signature Bible verse?
My heart is stirred with a noble theme, I address my verses for the King; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer. (Psalm 45:1 NIV)
Please share a devotional from A Patchwork of Promises with us.
The Golden Thread
We can be sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good. Romans 8:27-28 (The Message)
It was LOVE at first sight. Grandma’s crazy quilt was a kaleidoscope of color, texture, pattern, and shape. Velvet nestled near silk, cotton calms satin. Scraps of children’s clothing, lace from a wedding gown, and the wide end of Grandpa’s tie were all added. The crocheted corners of handkerchiefs lay comfortably together.
I watched Grandma’s fingers patiently pinch three strands of gold thread through the eye of needle. Intricate stitch patterns outlined each patch, joining them together. The quilt was painstakingly crafted with love and prayer. The finished masterpiece pleased the eye, mind, and heart- bound as one by the beautiful golden thread.
That’s how God patterns our lives. Individual days and evens sometimes seem random. They just don’t seem to fit. Some experiences we would just as soon toss away while others, we’ll never forget. Yet, God is near, and we find encouragement in Romans 8:28. God promises…every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.
God created all things. He imagined the initial design for all our lives and sees it through from the first stitch to the last. The pattern, fabric, and texture were all chosen before we were born…and God has a vested interest in the final product.
God works everything together for
good for those who love Him.
Sew On
Easily pull three strands of embroidery thread together through
the eye of a needle by folding a strip of paper over the thread
ends, slide the paper sandwich through the eye.
Book Blurb:
What do fussy cutting, ‘The Golden Thread’ and “Ugly Quilts” have in common? They teach how God works in our everyday lives for his glory…that’s a promise! Quilting offers artistic expression, practical application and outreach opportunities for individuals and groups locally and worldwide. A Patchwork of Promises – 30 Devotions for Quilters.
Gayle is a third generation quilt maker, reflected in some of the devotions here. She is a poet and author of “Faith Lifts: When Life Lets you Down” She received an MS degree from Syracuse University, and is retired from working for 28 years with developmentally disabled adults. Gayle lives in Cicero, New York with her two cats, Gabby and Muse, inspiration for much writing and crafting.
Connect with Gayle:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gayle.ottemiller?fref=ts
Book Links:
A Patchwork of Promises – 30 Devotions for Quilters: https://www.amazon.com/Christian-Devotionals-Patchwork-Promises-Devotions/dp/1941103839/
Faith Lifts: When Life Lets You Down: https://www.amazon.com/Faith-Lifts-When-Life-Lets/dp/1606150197/
Lovely idea. Years ago I wrote a story about my grandmother Goldie who quilted and how the threads of her life, both good and bad, were evidence of God’s great love for her. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you, Kathy. Did you ever publish the story?
This sounds to be the perfect book for the Last Chance Quilters at Last Chance, Colorado for their devotional time each time they gather for quilting. This group, organized in 1926, is recognized as the oldest quilting guild in Colorado and possibly that west of the Mississippi. Renowned quilter, Jeananne Wright, wrote a chapter in the ‘Colorado Quilting: From Mountains to Plains’ book by the Colorado Quilting Council. A print copy of the book, A Patchwork of Promises’ would be treasured by these ladies.
Love the name of your quilters guild! Bless you.
Congratulations Lois! A Patchwork of Promises is on it’s way to you, enjoy
Congratulations to Lois Scott, winner of the print copy of A Patchwork of Promises: 30 Devotions for Quilters by Gayle Ottemiller, and to Kathy Jones, winner of the ebook copy! Thank you, Gayle, for a great interview! May God continue to bless and guide the direction of your book as it ministers to others!