Our World Aflame Part Seven: The Path to Reconciliation
The path to reconciliation. I thought my summer series on Our World Aflame had ended. Yesterday in church, I discovered God had another message, that of hope in a world gone mad. Jesus Christ, the Great Reconciler of men, offers hope and peace where none exists. As Christians we have the answer. I would love to hear your comments.
Read MoreOur World Aflame Part Five: A Wild Donkey
When Sarah and Abraham circumvented God’s plan by deciding to have a child through Sarah’s maid, Hagar, they unknowingly loosed a wild donkey in the world and everyone has suffered for it since. God made that child into a great nation, as He had promised to do with Abraham’s descendants, but there were consequences. I would love to hear your comments on this last part of my series on Our World Aflame.
Read MoreOur World Aflame Part Three: Every Tribe and Nation
The Bible says that some day, every tribe and nation will worship Jesus as Lord. However, we hear of more hate, more death, more acts of violence every day. They are perpetrated against people of different ethnic backgrounds, religions, and philosophies. Hatred has not run so rampant since the days of the Civil Rights movement. Why are differences the reason for hate and violence rather than celebrations of the ultimate outworking of a loving and creative God? I would love to hear your comments!
Read MoreOur World Aflame Part Two: Amazing Mess
Our world has become an amazing mess. Like some horrendous nightmare that will not go away, this summer of 2016 has become more than the summer our next presidential candidates are chosen, more than the summer of the Olympics, more than a fun time of vacations to amazing destinations. This summer–this year, has become the summer death, violence, and hatred, when we turn on the daily news to see where people have died today. Where will it end? What does it mean? What can I do when our world is aflame?
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