Posts Tagged "Jesus"

Good Things to Come: The Plans and Purposes of God

Posted by on Dec 26, 2016 | Comments Off on Good Things to Come: The Plans and Purposes of God

Good Things to Come: The Plans and Purposes of God

Good things to come should be the attitude of Christians throughout the year. Our Christmas celebrations should remind us of the gospel message Jesus came to bring–the good news that we have a Savior who offers hope, both while we live on earth and after we die, in heaven. The day after Christmas we should begin to live the coming year remembering that the Babe of Bethlehem brought us salvation and eternal life.

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Humanity of Jesus Part 3: Jesus Understands Human Need

Posted by on Oct 17, 2016 | 2 comments

Humanity of Jesus Part 3: Jesus Understands Human Need

I cannot understand how the Son of God is perfectly man and perfectly God, but I know from experience that Jesus understands human need. In everything, from needing food to eat and water to drink, to having compassion on the poor and sick, Jesus understands. He knows the depth of human need because He was human during his time on earth. Whatever your struggle, Jesus knows what you need to heal.

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A Patchwork of Promises: 30 Devotions for Quilters by Gayle Ottemiller

Posted by on Sep 23, 2016 | 6 comments

A Patchwork of Promises: 30 Devotions for Quilters by Gayle Ottemiller

Two of my favorite wedding gifts were quilts, lovingly stitched by dear friends. Not being a quilter myself, it is a time-consuming process that amazes me. Gayle Ottemiller is a third-generation quilter and her book, A Patchwork of Promises: 30 Devotions for Quilters, is one that every quilter should enjoy. I hope you’ll join in the fun and enter to win a copy of her book! Leave a comment at the end of the blog (please specify in your comment whether you would be interested in a print or ebook copy) and sign in on the Rafflecopter at the end for even more chances to win! Gayle is giving away both a print and e-book copy! 

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Life Preserver: A Meditation on Suffering

Posted by on Aug 29, 2016 | 7 comments

Life Preserver: A Meditation on Suffering

Life Preserver may be unlike anything you have ever read before. When I wrote it, I wasn’t quite certain what to do with it. However, God gave it to me during my prayer time, and others have certainly struggled with these same issues. I have had health problems for two thirds of my life. The older I become, the worse it gets. Like many of you, I have a hard time understanding why a loving God chooses to allow suffering into the lives of His children. I have questioned, pleaded, come to acceptance, and began the process over again. Send me your comments. I would love to pray for you! 

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Our World Aflame Part Five: A Wild Donkey

Posted by on Aug 22, 2016 | 14 comments

Our World Aflame Part Five: A Wild Donkey

When Sarah and Abraham circumvented God’s plan by deciding to have a child through Sarah’s maid, Hagar, they unknowingly loosed a wild donkey in the world and everyone has suffered for it since. God made that child into a great nation, as He had promised to do with Abraham’s descendants, but there were consequences. I would love to hear your comments on this last part of my series on Our World Aflame. 

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