Posts Tagged "amwriting"

Kill Your Darlings: The Plague of Novelists

Posted by on May 22, 2020 | Comments Off on Kill Your Darlings: The Plague of Novelists

Kill Your Darlings: The Plague of Novelists

“Kill your darlings” is a phrase dreaded by every fiction writer. To cut scenes, which bring readers to our level of knowledge about the characters is painful. However, a book is often stronger if some aspects of the past remain hidden.



Kill Your Darlings: The Plague of Novelists

“Kill your darlings” is a phrase dreaded by every fiction writer. The story that exists in our mind pours forth like water over a breached dam when we begin to write. To cut scenes, which bring readers to our level of knowledge about the characters is painful. However, a book is often stronger if some aspects of the past remain hidden.

Kill your darlings is a phrase dreaded by every fiction writer... #editing #amwriting #authorlife Share on X

To Kill Your Darlings Increases Action

Two favorite scenes from my most recent book, Within Golden Bands, never made it to the book. I still feel the lack. After all, those who love my characters would enjoy these scenes as much as I do. They were written well, explained the inner workings of my character’s minds, and filled in some blanks. So why cut them?


In the first place, as fiction writers, we must draw readers in from the first word. It’s called beginning in media res, in the middle of the action. Begin too slow and lose the interest of readers, editors, and publishers. Start with the action. To know all the whys and how’s won’t make readers turn pages.

For example, my newlywed characters, believe they will never have children. Her diagnosis created turmoil in their dating relationship in Land of My Dreams. It’s no spoiler to say that she became pregnant. The back cover copy gives it away. I longed to share the honeymoon scene where their prayers for a child are answered. However, a sweet, sentimental scene doesn’t drive people to discover what happens next. I wrote it. Loved it. And cut it.

I wrote it. Loved it. And cut it. #amediting #writers #fiction Share on X

To Kill Your Darlings Moves the Story Forward

The second reason to slash scenes is a nasty element called word count. Every word matters. Each scene must move the story forward.


Readers wanted characters from the first book to return in the sequel. I relished a reunion. When my newly married lovebirds, filled with the joy of a miracle pregnancy, met her former fiancé sparks flew. Animosity leaped from the page. In the analysis, it satisfied me but pulled readers backward. My word count fell. I had more words to use where they counted the most.

Sometimes a glimpse into the past works. Save your cuts in a file. I sprinkled bits of my beloved scenes in where a little reminiscing fit well.

In conclusion, the key to a fast-paced story is to start with action, move it forward with every scene, and don’t look back too much. Be willing to kill your darlings to make a better book.

Start with action, move it forward with every scene, and don’t look back too much. Be willing to kill your darlings to make a better book. #books #amwriting #writingtips Share on X

© Norma Gail Holtman, May 18, 2020

About the author:

Norma Gail - AuthorNorma Gail writes Fiction to Refresh Your Spirit. Her contemporary novels, Land of My Dreams, which won the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award, and Within Golden Bands (releasing May 19, 2020), explore the theme of women whose faith triumphs over trials. A women’s Bible study leader for over 21 years, her devotionals and poetry have appeared at, the Stitches Thru Time blog, Inspire a Fire, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, Historical Writers of America, and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 44 years. They have two adult children. To connect with her, you can follow her blog, or join her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Goodreads, BookBub, or Amazon.





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Where Do You Turn in a World Gone Mad?

Posted by on May 15, 2020 | Comments Off on Where Do You Turn in a World Gone Mad?

Where Do You Turn in a World Gone Mad?

Where do you turn when life doesn’t turn out the way you planned? Life in the days of pandemic and writing have a lot in common.




Where Do You Turn in a World Gone Mad?

On Writing Within Golden Bands

Where do you turn when life doesn’t end up the way you planned? We’re living in uncertain times, for sure. When I began to write Within Golden Bands, I never imagined a book launch during a pandemic with everyone locked down at home. Bonny and Kieran MacDonell, the main characters of Within Golden Bands, never imagined the bizarre turn their lives would take when they married.

Where do you turn when life doesn’t end up the way you planned? #amwriting #plans #surprises Share on X

A World Gone Mad

All of us can relate to a world gone mad. However, when you’re newlyweds, life should be beautiful. This young couple is faced with trouble from the start. As a matter of fact, the story begins in an emergency room, a place far too many people are visiting these days. Like so many people in our world today, Bonny finds herself all alone and afraid. Kieran is missing. What do you feel when you’re alone in an emergency room, faced with surgery, and your new husband is nowhere to be found?

My characters really have a tough go of it and most of it wasn’t a part of my plan. Authors don’t always get a say in what happens to their characters. Our children seldom live their lives according to plan. In the same way, characters tend to go off on their own and get into situations that appear to have no rescue.

Authors don’t always get a say in what happens to their characters. #fiction #authorlife #characters Share on X

Pantsters Write in A World Gone Mad

Fiction authors define ourselves as “plotters” and “pantsters,” depending on whether or not we plan our stories before writing. In my case, I’m always writing by the seat of my pants. When we navigate life in that manner, it ends up in dead ends and getting lost. It’s the same in writing a book. There’s nothing settled or easy about writing but when characters take the lead. You never know how things will end.

I didn’t have an ending in mind when I set out to write Within Golden Bands. All I knew was that Kieran and Bonny were married and living on the banks of Loch Garry. Sounds pretty wonderful, doesn’t it?

Throw in a miracle pregnancy, a mad man, a woman who loves your husband but hates you, and the story could go anywhere. I prayed for the story God wanted me to write and I love it. He did a good job of leading the way. I did a lot of rewriting, and a lot of head-scratching, but the ending made me happy. I think you’ll like it too. As you read, realize that I had no more idea of how it would all turn out than you do! It’s truly a story for our time.

I had no more idea of how it would all turn out than you do! #amwriting #fiction #surprises Share on X

A Party and A Book for Our Times

Join me for a Book Launch Party on May 19th! #books #reading #party Share on X

Stop by Amazon and pick up a copy! Then join me at the Book Launch Party on Tuesday, May 19th from 6-8 pm Central Time. Just follow this link!

About the author:

Norma Gail - AuthorNorma Gail writes Fiction to Refresh Your Spirit. Her contemporary novels, Land of My Dreams, which won the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award, and Within Golden Bands (releasing May 19, 2020), explore the theme of women whose faith triumphs over trials. A women’s Bible study leader for over 21 years, her devotionals and poetry have appeared at, the Stitches Thru Time blog, Inspire a Fire, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, Historical Writers of America, and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 44 years. They have two adult children. To connect with her, you can follow her blog, or join her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Goodreads, BookBub, or Amazon.





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Creation of a Setting: The Place of My Dreams

Posted by on May 8, 2020 | 1 comment

Creation of a Setting: The Place of My Dreams

Creation of a story setting is one of the most important tasks of an author, and one I enjoy. The story world lives in my mind as vividly as if I lived there myself.





Within Golden Bands

The Creation of Setting for Stonehaven Farm

Loch Garry, Scotland is the setting for Kieran’s Stonehaven Farm, in both Land of My Dreams and Within Golden Bands. The loch, located in the central Highlands of Scotland, owns a unique beauty. In reality, its main claim to fame is the unique perspective of a map of Scotland when viewed from the A87 highway. The odd shape is due to a dam built for hydroelectric power in the early 1960s. However, I spent only fifteen minutes at the overlook on our trip to Scotland in 2006.

In order to create a farm that doesn’t exist, I studied hundreds of photographs online. The location near the bridge across the loch is for purely romantic reasons. The photographs have been my screensaver for 8 years now. I dream of a return trip to Scotland and the opportunity to stay in a “holiday rental,” looking out over the place of my dreams.

Creation of a story setting is one of the most important tasks of an author... #storyworld #setting #amwriting Share on X

Creation of Kieran’s Farmhouse

The MacDonell family farmhouse is the actual location of Ardochy House, where there are three self-catering cottages. Built originally as an 18th Century shooting lodge, the house is the perfect place for my Scottish sheep farmer’s home. With beautiful bay windows overlooking the loch and sheep in the fields, it settled into my heart. The descriptions of the house arose in my imagination from places we stayed or visited on our trip to Scotland.

Of course, my favorite room is the library, decorated in MacDonell tartan, and the clan crest engraved above the fireplace. Though I prefer the modern, red MacDonell tartan, I chose the ancient tartan of blue and green. Kieran is nothing if not a man of respect for ancient tradition and heritage. I also chose the older spelling of McDonnell, rather than the more common McDonnell.

The descriptions of the house arose in my imagination from a real home on the shores of Loch Garry. #setting #authorlife #WithinGoldenBands Share on X

Location of My Story World

Glengarry, the narrow valley where the loch sits, was once the home of the MacDonnell’s of Glengarry, now populated by only a few estates. The depopulation occurred during the Highland Clearances in the 1750s to 1860s. Wealthy landowners drove out the small farmers and crofters, similar to share-croppers, in order to expand their sheep herds. Today, the glen is known for  brown trout fishing, deer stalking, and Munro-bagging, the climbing of mountains over 3000 feet tall.

In Within Golden Bands, the areas disputed by the miserable antagonist, Gavin Gunn are all south of the loch. To plan each scene, I spent hours on Google searches, examined maps, and lived in my imagination. I discovered pictures of the islands at the end of the loch for the place where Bonny rode her horse, Misty when upset with Kieran.

I lived in my imagination to plan each scene. #fictionauthors #Scotland #romance Share on X

My husband and I shopped in Fort William and stayed at the Highland Hotel on Loch Linnhe. It is a charming town at the foot of Ben Nevis, which we were fortunate enough to see on a clear day. Belford Hospital, where Bonny spends time is real, and she and Eilidh shop on the High Street.

Within Golden Bands, Romantic Suspense set in Scotland coming May 19th! #Christfic #RomSus #preorder Share on X

Creation of Prizes Related to the Story

The Buchan Thistle pottery Bonny uses for everyday dishes is unique, hand-painted Scottish pottery. During the Book Launch Party on May 19th, one lucky member of the Team will win a small vase! The other big prize, a small Nambe ware serving bowl, comes from Bonny’s home state of New Mexico!

Obviously, readers will imagine Bonny and Kieran’s world in their own minds. However, since many of the places exist in the real world, I wanted to share some photos. Enjoy the beauty of my story world!

Thanks to:,_Lochaber

About the author:

Norma Gail - AuthorNorma Gail writes Fiction to Refresh Your Spirit. Her contemporary novels, Land of My Dreams, which won the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award, and Within Golden Bands (releasing May 19, 2020), explore the theme of women whose faith triumphs over trials. A women’s Bible study leader for over 21 years, her devotionals and poetry have appeared at, the Stitches Thru Time blog, Inspire a Fire, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, Historical Writers of America, and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 44 years. They have two adult children. To connect with her, you can follow her blog, or join her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Goodreads, BookBub, or Amazon.





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Reconciliation and Healing from the Inside Out

Posted by on Mar 10, 2020 | 4 comments

Reconciliation and Healing from the Inside Out

Forgiveness doesn’t necessarily bring reconciliation. When angry words and actions lead to broken relationships, trust is destroyed. Trust is not easily regained.





Reconciliation—Healing from the Inside Out

2MefromHim Devotionals

Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so? Amos 3:3

Reconciliation scripture

Reconciliation appeared impossible. The gaping wound awakened me again. I flicked on the light and curled into my recliner, hurting, unable to sleep, and wracked with tears. A tornado of conflict and disagreement whirled through my brain, flinging splintered bits and pieces of my life and relationships through my mind. Everything I knew was changed, distorted, and destroyed. My heart was so wounded I saw no way I would ever be whole again.

Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so? Amos 3:3 #reconciliation #relationships Share on X

I stared out the window into the night, watching as clouds scudded across the sky, covering the almost-full moon. The house shook in the howling wind, battered by powerful gusts, which echoed the storm in my heart. “Lord, I chose to forgive. I acted as you said, but nothing changed. Instead, much of my life appears to be based on lies. Where do I go from here?”


As an illustration, hospitals isolate patients with infected wounds. Their sores are left open and cleaned frequently to rid them of contagion so healing occurs from the inside out. In the same way, forgiveness begins in the heart and eventually reaches the place where it can be offered to the offending person. However, forgiveness doesn’t necessarily bring reconciliation.

Forgiveness takes place between the person wronged and God, apart from the offender. Once I forgave, a sense of peace began to flood my life. I paid the price of forgiving those who injured me in pride, something I could well afford to pay. However, the relationships remained unreconciled because those who hurt me failed to take responsibility.

Forgiveness takes place between the person wronged and God... #forgiveness #Godislove #healing Share on X

Reconciliation 1

God says reconciliation comes first

Before I chose to forgive, I was infected with bitterness. Hebrews 12:15 says: “See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” A teaching leader in Bible Study Fellowship brought in a tree root wrapped around a sprinkler pipe so tight that water could no longer flow through. Much as Cain grew to hate Abel, anger festers into bitterness, cutting off the flow of love toward the object of our resentment. Notice the last part of the verse, “and defile many.” My anger and resentment overflows to the people around me and defiles them. They choose sides, get involved, and thus become victims of the corruption, which spreads like a plague.

Bitterness defiles and spreads like a plague. #bitterness #plague #relationships Share on X

After I offered forgiveness to those who hurt me and asked forgiveness for my part in the disagreements, some of the hurt began to heal. Matthew 5:23-24 says, “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.”

Reconciliation requires atonement

Reconciliation 2

Reconciliation requires atonement, a price paid for the offense. Angry words and actions that lead to broken relationships destroy trust. And trust is not easily regained. It requires time and evidence of change, often some type of reparation must be made.

A relationship can’t be restored if the offender refuses to seek forgiveness or acknowledge the wrong done. Speaking of Christ’s atonement for our sin, Hebrews 9:22 says, “the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.” When I hurt someone there is a price to pay to regain trust and enable healing. The offender must accept responsibility, or continuing the relationship will result in more hurt. God never expects us to accept abuse.

What hurts do I need to forgive? What must I offer in order to heal a damaged relationship? Am I willing to humble myself that I might be reconciled to God and those I have injured?

When I hurt someone there is a price to pay to regain trust... #reconciliation #trust #healing Share on X

© Norma Gail Holtman, March 9, 2020

About the author:

Norma Gail - AuthorNorma Gail writes Fiction to Refresh Your Spirit. Her contemporary novels, Land of My Dreams, which won the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award, and Within Golden Bands (releasing May 19, 2020), explore the theme of women whose faith triumphs over trials. A women’s Bible study leader for over 21 years, her devotionals and poetry have appeared at, the Stitches Thru Time blog, Inspire a Fire, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, Historical Writers of America, and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 44 years. They have two adult children. To connect with her, you can follow her blog, or join her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Goodreads, or Amazon.


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Wait My Time – A 2MefromHim Devotional

Posted by on May 14, 2018 | 2 comments

Wait My Time – A 2MefromHim Devotional

Wait my time is a phrase God has spoken to me often in recent months. Times of trial often cause us to act out of fear and frustration. We long to resolve conflicts, but God will do far more than we can imagine if we only wait on his time and his way. I would love to hear your thoughts!

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