Storms come to all of our lives one way or the other. When trials come we need to look to the One who can lift us above the waves and carry us to safety–the Lord of Tempest, Jesus Christ.
2MefromHim Devotionals
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Matthew 14:29-30
Waves, crashing and rolling in the dark of night, Peter climbed out of the pitching and yawing boat and set off across the foaming waves toward Jesus, who walked peacefully atop the surface of the water. These were not timid men. Most were fishermen, hardened to the toil of fishing boats, and the rough, unpredictable waters of the Sea of Galilee. Storms were nothing new, but something about the ferocity of the roaring thunder, the lightning streaking across the sky, and the tumult of the waves frightened them on that night.
To the amazement of his companions, Peter strode across the thrashing sea with confidence, his eyes fixed on Jesus’ face. Then, in a sudden moment of panic, he glanced down in amazement at the churning water beneath his feet, and his heart filled with fear of the impossible, and he began to sink.
I have navigated the waters of infertility, chronic illness, my father’s sudden death, and my husband losing his job. In every trial God has proved unfailing in faithfulness and mercy. But when the outcome is uncertain, my thoughts stray to all the things that might go wrong. My heart knows God is in control, but my mind can’t see the impossible. My heart grows faint, my feet falter, and whitecaps of fear drag me under the choppy waves of doubt.
The great and powerful God who rules the universe promises to never let me go. In J.B. Phillips’ translation of the New Testament, he calls God “the blessed controller of all things.” God promises to keep us afloat through any trial, bringing us to safe harbor as long as we focus on Him, no matter how distant the solid ground may seem. My heart and my feet might fail, but my God has promised He never will.
When the storms of life threaten to pull me beneath the waves, I must remember the one who controls the tempest. God may allow me to be buffeted around, but He will never let me sink. He will not fail, for our God is mighty to save.
© Copyright by Norma Gail Thurston Holtman, March 14, 2014
About the author:
Norma Gail’s debut contemporary Christian romance, Land of My Dreams, released in April 2014. She has led weekly women’s Bible studies for 20 years. Her devotionals and poetry have appeared at ChristianDevotions.us, the Stitches Thru Time blog, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, FaithWriters, Romance Writers of America, and the New Mexico Christian Novelists. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 39 years. They have two adult children.
Connect with Norma:
Website: www.normagail.org
Book trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQbZIoC_JSE
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorNormaGail
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Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7874459
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Norma_Gail
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/norma-gail-thurston-holtman/42/71a/3b2
Book Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Land-My-Dreams-Norma-Gail/dp/1941103170
Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/land-of-my-dreams-norma-gail/1119606864?ean=9781941103173
Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas Bookstore: http://store.lpcbooks.com/product/land-of-my-dreams/
Excellent devotion, Norma! Life has been very challenging for me the last couple of years, and there have been more than a few moments of doubt. But focusing on God and knowing that He is in control and with me, always clears my mind and brings me peace. Blessings!
Blessings to you, Felicia! We are so fortunate to have a God who cares about every aspect of our lives!
Thank you for the blessing of this reminder of who God is and how He works in our lives to gives us peace even in the midst of our most troubling storms. 🙂
He is so faithful, but sometimes we neglect to look for Him in the midst of a storm.
our God is greater than any storm we could be going through!
Amen! We have a gracious God!
He’s Lord in our good times – and in the bad ones…cos He’s always there….
We just need to keep our eyes fixed upon Jesus. (And now that songs stuck in my head)
Always! Thanks for stopping by!