Land of My Dreams, my debut contemporary Christian romance, is three years old! How time has flown! Welcome to a celebration that I hope will be fun for both those who are familiar with the book and those who are not. The contest is explained further down in the blog and I hope you will sign in on one of two Rafflecopters for your entry to win some great prizes! Don’t be afraid of the Rafflecopter! It’s just a computerized, impartial way of keeping track of entries and randomly choosing a winner. The party continues until Friday, May 5th at midnight!
Fabulous Fridays
Land of My Dreams is THREE Year’s Old
Three years ago on April 22nd my dream of becoming a published author came true when my debut novel, Land of My Dreams released. The months leading up to the book release are one of my favorite times to remember. So many old friends spent time reading, reviewing, and helping my promote my book, and I made many new friends through their interest in my book.
Reasons for writing Land of My Dreams
During the planning of our 30th wedding anniversary trip to Scotland, I studied maps, tour books, photos, everything I could get my hands on for months. Shortly before our trip, I began dreaming I was in Scotland. One dream kept recurring, that of a braw and bonnie Scot wearing his kilt and playing his bagpipes on a misty, green mountain surrounded by sheep. Over time, this dream began to take the form of a story, a lonely man in need of love.
I knew that anything I wrote would have to honor God. I also knew that He wanted me to write the story, though at the time, I had no idea what it was. Then, I received a lot of time to think. I broke my foot and ended up in a wheelchair for 3 weeks. I began to write the story down as it came to me, no plotting, no planning, just whatever came into my head. Over time, a sweet love story began to take shape.
This man needed someone to love him. I needed something familiar to add to the story so it wasn’t entirely set in a place where I only spent two weeks and months in my head. I gravitated toward my own home, the mountains of central New Mexico. I never realized it at the time, but the comparison and contrast of the misty Highlands of Scotland and the arid, desert mountains of New Mexico created an interesting difference in backgrounds for the characters.
Two lonely people, struggling with their faith and finding love is the story God gave me. And I believe it honors Him.
A Little Secret
When I attended the Colorado Christian Writer’s Conference for the first time, I knew about the recent release from my favorite author, Michael Phillips, Angel Harp. I read it with great eagerness while preparing to pitch my book to agents and publishers at the conference. The first morning, I had a critique with author and speaker, Angela Breidenbach, who has since become a dear friend. She encouraged me that Land of My Dreams was indeed worth publishing.
However, following the critique, she asked if I was aware of Michael Phillips’ latest book. Many of the characters had the same names, and the premise was a Canadian woman who meets a Scottish man. Her recommendation was to go through his book and mark it up so that I knew what to change in my own book to set it apart, even though the similarity ended at the names. I did so, made the changes suggested from the workshops I attended, and returned the following year.
Late one afternoon, I met Eddie Jones, founder of Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. He believed in my story and offered me a contract a few months later, in September of 2012. Land of My Dreams was on its way! I cannot imagine a more wonderful publishing company to begin my writing career with and am honored to be associated with a publishing house that is so committed to stories portraying strong moral values and godly character. One of the most exciting things was having Michael Phillips graciously agree to endorse my book.
Land of My Dreams Book Launch Party
In the old days, book launches were held in bookstores. Today, book launches are most often a virtual book launch with blog appearances and a Facebook launch party. That two hours interacting on Facebook with those who read the book early and many who had not yet had the opportunity to read it, was great fun! Guests answered Scottish trivia questions and I showed many photos of places that appear in the book, which I was blessed to visit during our 2006 anniversary trip to Scotland.
Land of My Dreams: The Last Three Years
Land of My Dreams has developed a loyal following. Over 25% of the reviews on Amazon ask for a sequel. It’s in the works, but only God knows His plans for this book. In 2016, Land of My Dreams was the recipient of the Bookvana Religious Fiction Award. What an honor that was!
Being a published author is some of the hardest work I have ever done. Many weeks, I spend more of my time marketing than writing. It is hard work, and the author bears at least 80% of the cost and work of marketing the book. In the last 6-9 months, I have finally begun to receive small royalty checks. However, being an unknown author in a market glutted by well-known authors and self-published books is tough work.
I have written the sequel. I have written a romantic novella, which you will hear more about in the future. I am researching and planning a historical trilogy on American pioneers who moved from North Carolina, to Ohio, Indiana, and Arkansas, into Texas, and on to New Mexico. It will be a fictionalized saga based on characters and stories from my own family history.
The quote on the front of the book has come true. “The greatest blessings come when you leave the familiar behind and take a step of faith.”
A Contest to Thank Friends and Meet New Readers
I want to both thank those readers who have been loyal supporters of Land of My Dreams from the beginning and introduce the book to new readers. I have created a contest that I hope will do both!
Friends of Land of My Dreams: 3 – $15 Amazon cards with a package of Garvey’s Organic Scone Mix!
Take photos of the book, Land of My Dreams, in your favorite place to read, with you holding it, in a beautiful setting, with a pet, a cup of coffee or tea, on a book shelf or table, or somewhere that reminds you of a favorite part of the book. The photo can be of the print book or your Kindle with the cover of Land of My Dreams showing. Email the photo to NormaGailwrites@gmail.com by May 1st. Sign in on the Rafflecopter under “Submit a Photograph.”
These photos may help me in marketing the book, so I would like your permission to use them.
To increase your chances, you can also help me by:
Following my Facebook Author page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorNormaGail
Following me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Norma_Gail
Tweet from the post – This can be done daily to increase your chances of winning
Follow me on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/normagailth/boards/
Pin images from the post – This can also be done daily
Those who have not yet read Land of My Dreams: 3 print copies & 3 Kindle copies
Sign in on the Rafflecopter and leave a blog comment about why you would like to win a copy of Land of My Dreams and whether you want print or Kindle. To increase your chances, you can also:
Follow Norma Gail’s Facebook Author page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorNormaGail
Follow Norma Gail on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Norma_Gail
Tweet from the post – This can be done daily to increase your chances of winning
Follow Norma Gail on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/normagailth/boards/
Pin images from the post – This can also be done daily
Grand Prize: $35 value Scottish Tea Gift Basket containing a beautiful teapot; a signed copy of Land of My Dreams; a decorative tin of Scottish Breakfast Tea, decorated with a picture of Loch Garry; a copy of Favourite Scottish Teatime Recipes; a mini-assortment of Scottish marmalade; and a box of Walker’s Shortbread cookies. (Cookies may not be exactly as pictured, depending on what is available)
Everyone who signs in on the Rafflecopter and either sends a photo of the book, or leaves a blog comment as to why they would like to win a copy is automatically entered to win the Grand Prize! All winners will be chosen on Friday, May 5th!
About the Author:
Norma Gail is the author of the contemporary Christian romance, Land of My Dreams, winner of the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award. A women’s Bible study leader for over 21 years, her devotionals and poetry have appeared at ChristianDevotions.us, the Stitches Thru Time blog, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 40 years. They have two adult children.
I love the idea of inspiration you got from your dreams to bring the book out..the story sounds wonderful and very great that faith an loniness brings the two together..thanks for a chance
You’re welcome, Rory! I hope you get a chance to read it!
The setting and story both have great appeal!
I hope you’ll be able to read it! Thanks for stopping by!
Norma, congratulations on your third anniversary. As you know, dear friend, I enjoyed reading your first book. I look forward to reading your next one too.
Blessings ~ Wendy
Thanks for the encouragement, Wendy! I’m praying it’s accepted! Good luck in the contest!
I haven’t had the opportunity to read it, but the fact that so many readers (25%) are asking for a sequel says a lot.
I’m also interested in your upcoming American pioneer trilogy. I grew up in Indiana, but the military has brought us to Arkansas.
Happy Bookiversary!
Thank you, for your interest, Amanda! I hope you get a chance to read Land of My Dreams as well! As for the historical series, the research continues!
I haven’t gotten the chance to read Land of My Dreams yet but it’s on my Goodreads want to read shelf list 🙂
Great! Perhaps you’ll win a copy! Thanks for stopping by!
I’m always interested in finding great new authors and books! Thanks!
You’re so welcome! I love meeting new readers! Great combination. Thanks for stopping by, Jenny!
I’m so excited for you Norma! You are such an excellent writer. I loved Land of My Dreams and can’t wait to read the sequel. I also can’t wait to hug your neck next month at Blue Ridge!!
I can’t wait to be with you either! Thanks for being such a prayer warrior and encourager!
I think a book set in Scotland sounds wonderful!
It is a beautiful and intriguing place, Martha! I hope you get a chance to read it! Thanks for stopping by!
Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary for Land of My Dreams. I loved reading it and look forward to the sequel. The descriptive words cause this reader to feel like she was right there in Scotland in the lush green pastures and hearing the bagpipes.
Thank you, Marilyn! I appreciate the encouragement and am awaiting word from the publisher as to whether they will accept the sequel.
I have not read your book yet, but the premise sounds similar to a dream I have been having. I look forward to being able to read it to see how close the dream is.
I hope you get to read it! I actually dreamed the basic story!
New author to me. Sounds like a great book
Thanks, Debi! I hope you’ll read it!
I would love to read Land of my Dreams because I love a book that was written to honor God and I also love the Scottish Theme of your book. A beautiful cover as well. Thank you for the opportunity to win and read your book. Although it has been out 3 years it will be new to me. God Bless You!
I am thrilled to introduce you to Land of My Dreams, Carla! God bless you!
Congratulations on your third anniversary! You are a new-to-me author. I enjoy discovering authors who honor the Lord with their writing. Thank you for this fun giveaway. 🙂
You’re so welcome, Caryl! I am thrilled to meet new readers!
The book sounds good. I am following on FB and shared your giveaway.
Thanks you! I appreciate that! I hope you get a chance to read it.
What a fun giveaway — also, congratulations!!! How exciting to be celebrating three years. I would love to read the book, as I love international travel, Christian fiction, and a little bit of romance.
I’m glad you stopped tonleave a comment! Good luck and God bless! Three years has flown by!
Sounds like the type of story I would love to read! God is good!
I hope you get to read it! God is so faithful!
I can’t point out exactly why I liked the book , but what got me to read was Scotland lol
I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for stopping by!
I’m very interested in reading this book. Following on FB, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+ Also shared on all.
Thanks, Becky! I appreciate you sharing and hope you will read it!
Haven’t read this yet but look forward to it. Thanks for doing a giveaway for all of us.
You’re welcome! I hope you enjoy reading it!
Sounds good a book about trying to find love in a setting you know
I hope you will read it! Thanks for entering!