Just Do It

Posted by on Apr 23, 2012 | 2 comments

“…Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6b
I stared at the computer screen in surprise. The offer from a year before to write a weekly devotional for the church webpage was growing into a ministry, but not just one touching friends and family, one reaching people across the world. How did it happen?
            Out of the weekly devotional came the idea for a blog. I had no idea who would read it. I still don’t. Someone mentions it now and then, and it thrills me, as it would any writer. But as I looked at the stats on readership I realized it was growing into something I never expected. Simply sitting at my computer, doing what I love, was reaching people in far off places for Christ: Russia, Germany, Canada, the UK, Brazil, France, Malaysia, the Philippines, Latvia—wherever that is, people were reading my blog.
            If we make ourselves available, God will bless. If we step out in obedience, He will be faithful. We say those things and profess to believe them, but then we are completely blown away when He does what He promised.
            I spoke to a group of young women recently on spiritual gifts. I urged them to take a test, pray, see what they most loved doing, and ask God how He could use it. We all have gifts, some small, some huge, but God gave them all, and if we let Him, He will use them for His purposes.
            I know my gifs are teaching, exhortation and encouragement. But I also know that I have physical limitations. I have health conditions which made me realize a long time ago that small ministries were what God had for me. There’s nothing wrong with that. We’re only asked to be faithful to use and multiply whatever God has given us.
            I lead a small women’s Bible study. I write a weekly devotional read by a very small sampling of people, but somehow it made it to Russia, and Latvia of all places. I wanted to be a missionary. Perhaps I am, just not in the way I thought.
            What do you do well? How can it be used by God? Ask God to show you what He wants you to do. Then just do it, to the best of your ability, and wait to see where He takes you.

Copyright by Norma Gail Thurston-Holtman & 2MefromHim Ministries, 2011. All rights reserved.


  1. What a good reminder–thanks, Norma. I think I needed to hear this this week. 🙂

  2. What a good reminder–thanks, Norma. I think I needed to hear this this week. 🙂

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