Wandering Wednesdays
My guest today is Christian fantasy writer, Azalea Dabill. I know her thoughts on responding to the adventures that God offers us will challenge you!
What journey are you on? Adventure calls us in many different ways. How we answer the call affects our future and impacts the eternal, for ourselves and others. Rarely is adventure perceived only on the physical plane, for we inhabit two, the physical and the spiritual.
My present adventure calls me to work hard. It challenges me to be grateful, patient, and persevering. A labor of love is ripening. I wish my gift to entertain others and give them glimpses of eternal things: of joy, adventure, and the mystery of love and life. I also want my work to support myself, my family, and future ventures.
Adventuring is scary.
Putting so much of my heart, time, and effort into my work makes it personal, and I’m apprehensive about my work’s reception. I must remember there is always someone to reject your offering, but many more who look for the enjoyment of your gift. Time is also a factor in my adventure; rather, my impatience.
I must heed the Master of all and not pick the gift from the branch too early—yet not leave it to rot in my fear. Thankful for the moments and gifts given me, I will finish this ripening in His time. I will persevere—and wait with joy on what He will give. It is always good, though His working within it that makes me grow is best of all.
I answer the call of adventure—I will crossover my fears and impatience and find eternal gifts from the Giver, and gifts for you. More important, how will you answer your call that whispers or shouts in your ear? What adventure challenges you?
Where you come from and where you are going are most important truths. I believe that all truth and its author is a Person. If you embrace Him, you find the greatest gift and adventure of all, with many smaller ventures within, building the whole of life. Crossover, find the eternal, the adventure. Come further up! Come further in!
How will you answer?
Azalea Dabill 10/31/2014
About the author:
I grew up in the California hills with my four siblings, building forts in the oaks. I remember the fuzzy-sweet smell of acorns and moss, the clear perfume of purple lupines and golden poppies. Instead of television we listened to the night-song of crickets and dreamed of our day’s adventures.
Home-schooled, I read aloud to my brothers and sisters: the Classics, Narnia, Altsheler’s The Young Trailers series, and science fiction and fantasy. Robin McKinley’s The Blue Sword enthralled me.
Since I began Falcon Heart I’ve taken writing for my Associate of Science, attended conferences, and devoured how-to books from James Scott Bell to Sol Stein. I’m an editor and I enjoy growing things, old bookstores, and hiking the wild.
I wrote Falcon Heart and my other novels because I have not found enough fantasy adventures with romance, beauty, and mystery. I write for people who enjoy fantasy adventures I call Mythic Fantasy. Mythic Fantasy releases our imaginations to the beauty of new worlds. Worlds that hold fast the true and the good, and explore the chain-snapping force of powerful relationships in the face of evil. Crossover: Find the Eternal, the Adventure.
My Website: http://azaleadabill.com/wp/home/
Click here for a sneak peek at Falcon Heart.
Very good post. It’s encouraging to know someone else feels the way I do about my work/gift. God bless!!
Thank you for visiting my blog and for your interest in Nancy’s book. As a former RN on a large orthopaedic unit, I feel the same about working with the elderly. It is a gift. I hope to see you back again!