Comment by 10/2 for a chance to win a copy of a wonderful book of devotionals and poetry by Frances Gregory Pasch!
My guest author today is Frances Gregory Pasch. I am excited for you to get to know her. I had her scheduled a few weeks ago and my website went down the next day, so this is a redo of a previous post.
Fran has a unique story. She loves to share it with others to give them hope that it is never too late to be used by God.
“I have always loved God, but my life changed dramatically in 1983 at the age of fifty. It was a new beginning. One day, my teenage son, Brian, came home from school and caught me off guard with two questions.
“Why didn’t you tell us that we could have a personal relationship with Jesus? Why didn’t you tell us that we could know for sure that we would live eternally with Him?” I didn’t know how to answer, so I asked him to explain. Brian shared that one of his teachers was a Christian and was helping some of the students with the Bible after school. He was excited and his excitement lit a spark in me. So, in addition to attending my own church, I started attending the church where he and some of his friends went.
“My husband Jim and I had taken our five boys faithfully to church throughout the years. They made their communion and confirmation, but there were no Bible studies our family could attend.
“After attending Bible study at Brian’s church and fellowshipping with other Christians, I invited Jesus into my heart in1983 and began an exciting adventure. As a result of this new relationship with God, He gifted me with writing poems which were published in my church’s bulletin. This was surprising since I had never learned the mechanics of writing poetry in high school or college.
I eventually found a writers’ group and within a short time was appointed the leader. I have been leading the group for 22 years and love encouraging writers to submit their work. Most writers love to write but are hesitant to market their writing.”
“I have also attended writers’ conferences yearly where I learned to write devotions and improve my writing skills,” she says. “For the past thirty years my poems and devotions have been regularly published in numerous Sunday school papers, magazines, and compilations.”
Fran also makes her own Christmas cards, incorporating her poetry. She has a weekly devotional e-mail ministry to over 300 people.
FRAN’S NEW BOOK – Double Vision
“My first book was published in December 2013, a month after my 80th birthday. Double Vision: Seeing God in Everyday Life through Devotions and Poetry is a collection of 30 devotions, each paired with a poem on the same topic. It is a double eye-opener, two ways of looking at the same spiritual truth. Each individual devotion and matching poem could be used as a short Bible study. The book’s format makes it a good gift book.”
Many people don’t know that in the 80s Fran was considered a Coupon Queen. She wasn’t officially crowned, but the local newspaper wrote a long article and posted a picture of her throwing handsful of coupons in the air. She did heavy duty couponing and refunding and even taught classes at two night schools. With five sons to feed and an average family income, the time spent was worthwhile. Over the years, she saved thousands of dollars by watching sales, comparing prices, and shopping at stores that offered double coupons. She even attended a coupon club, went to a coupon convention, and wrote a couponing column.
Fran has lived in New Jersey all of her life. She attended Georgian Court College in Lakewood, New Jersey, which is now a university. She has a B.S. in Business Administration. She married her husband, Jim, in 1958. They have five grown sons and nine grandchildren.
Follow Fran at her website: francesgregorypasch.com
Very encouraging story, Fran. I thought I was too old to begin writing, but I dare say, I’m quite a bit south of 80!
Wonderful testimony. Would love to read this book!
Thanks Fran. I sometimes struggle when writing and my thoughts tell me I’m too old to start a new chapter in my life. I began writing creatively at age 60 and have had many obstacles thrown my way. It’s encouraging to hear your first book wasn’t published until you were 80 years old. God bless you. And keep on keepin’ on.