If I Could Just Touch Him by Marcie Bridges

Posted by on May 18, 2015 | 15 comments

If I Could Just Touch Him by Marcie Bridges

My guest this week is poet and editor, Marcie Warner Bridges. Marcie has become one of my dearest friends and prayer partners. I know you will be blessed by her meditations on the woman with the issue of blood. I hope you’ll leave a comment to let her know how you liked her poem, If I Could Just Touch Him! 



2MefromHim Devotionals

…she said to herself, “If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well. Matthew 9:21


You know of me but you do not know my name

How I spent twelve long years in pain and shame.

I spent so much money on physicians and medicines

But none of them could help this sore infliction.

Blood runs freely all the time I cannot stop the flow

Not sure what I did to deserve walking this hellish road.

One day I hear the rumors that You were here in town

I watched the crowds press into You but faith just overwhelmed.

If only I could reach out and simply touch the hem of Your cloak

Perhaps at least you would grant me a little bit of hope?

I struggled through the sea of people and suddenly there You stood

Speaking to a man about his daughter being near the brink of death.

Ignoring the looks of hatred, pity and despised by those who watched

I reached my hand out and with one great plunge captured Your coat —

Oh the power that coursed through me in that instant yes I knew!

He turned around and faith became fear as His voice began to boom!

“Who touched me?” — I cowered back for just a minute

Then in faith, yet trembling, to what I’d done I quietly admitted.

Jesus looked at me with the tenderest eyes than I have ever known

The words He spoke so softly, yet, with such command

“Daughter be of good cheer your faith has made you well”

I knew in that very instant I had surely been made whole.

And now I go to everyone declaring my wondrous news

Believe in Jesus, put your faith in Him and you’ll be made whole too.

Don’t delay and do not fret, reach your hand out to His hem

Just a touch of the Master and you’ll see

You’ll be made free…now go in peace.


~Marcell Warner Bridges ©17, April 2015


Matthew 9:18-22

Mark 5:25-34

Luke 8:43-48

About the author:

Marcie Warner Bridges 3Marcell (Marcie) Warner Bridges is a wife, mother, and currently a student at Lenoir-Rhyne University studying for her Bachelors of Arts in English with the goal of becoming an Editor. Marcie began sharing her love of the Lord and His Word through poetry at a young age. Portraying difficult or emotional topics through poetry she deeply desires to encourage others in their walk with the Lord through the written word.  Marcie has been published in several anthologies and frequently shares her work through her blog: Heart Thoughts http://marcieheartthoughts.blogspot.com

Connect with Marcie:

Email: mmkabrids@embarqmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mwbheartthoughts?fref=ts

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Marcie_Bridges


  1. I have always loved the stories of people approaching and being touched by or touching Jesus, because I cannot personally think of anyone I would rather be near to than Him. To touch the hem of his cloak would indeed be a powerful experience, especially done in faith.

    Poetry has such a strong influence, I believe, and I greatly admire poets. Thank you for this reflection on such an amazing story of our Lord.

    • Thank you Hillary for such a thoughtful comment. It really touches my heart. Blessings, Marcie

  2. Thanks for commenting, Hillary! I love Marcie’s poetry!

  3. This is by far one of my most favorite stories in the New Testament! Lovely job, Marcie! So tender! Tweeting! Blessings from “Espressos of Faith”!

    • Thanks for commenting!

    • Thank you so much Bonnie and it is a pleasure connecting with you on Twitter. 🙂

  4. Oh I love this look deep into the heart of that story… thank you for blessing me with this!

    • You are welcome! It blessed me too!

    • May Jesus Christ be praised Chris! Thank you for the encouragement. 🙂

  5. Bravo, Marcie! I love how the emotions of the moment come through so clearly in your poetry. Thank you for sharing your gift with others. Love you!

    • ThAmos for taking time to comment, Nan!

    • Thank you so much for the encouragement! Love you too Nan 🙂

  6. SO beautiful!! I Love this story in the Bible, and your poem perfectly conveys the message. Very touching words : )

    • Thanks for leaving a comment. Teresa! She does right beautiful poetry!

    • Thank you so much Teresa. You have made my heart smile. Blessings, Marcie

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