I Stand Amazed

Posted by on Aug 26, 2015 | 15 comments

I Stand Amazed

Sometimes it is easy to feel that God doesn’t use us. We compare ourselves to others who do great things and our contribution to the work of God seems very small. We need to stop comparing and one step at a time, act in obedience to God. When we look back over the years, we will be amazed at what we have accomplished. Just obey! 



Wandering Wednesdays

On September 2nd, I begin my 21st year leading women’s Bible studies, a milestone of a significance that is not lost on me. Guiding people into a deeper understanding of God’s word is a high privilege. I am amazed that God has blessed me to play a part in so many lives. I have studied, taught, prayed, cried, and rejoiced with hundreds of women. Some have become lasting friends, others were passing acquaintances, but all are dear because we will see each other in eternity.

In recent years, a former pastor asked me to write a devotional for the church website each week. Since I was writing anyway, I decided that a weekly devotional blog would be a great thing to begin. As my courage grew, I started writing the novel I always dreamed of and was surprised to find that my knowledge of the scriptures lent itself well to illustrating spiritual truths through fictional characters.

Poetry written to ease my own sore spirit has reached others who are hurting. Comments on my blog have led to opportunities to minister to women I have never met. My devotionals reach people I could never reach in person. My novel touches some who might never read the Bible.

I am one small person in the scheme of all eternity, but God has a purpose for me here and now. When I reach heaven, I will meet people whose lives changed when they read words that God gave me. Humbling. Overwhelming. Precious. Mind-boggling. In this world of the Internet, I have no idea who my words might reach.

I Stand Amazed 2

I cannot compare myself to someone like the apostle Paul, C.S. Lewis, A.W. Tozier, so many whose words live after them. However, if my words mean something to one person—cause someone to draw near to God—I have been far more successful than I ever dreamed at fulfilling my small part of the Great Commission.

God has a plan. There is something God wants you to do. Take it one step at a time. Be faithful in the small things. When that still, small voice whispers in your ear, listen, act, and obey. At some point, you will look back on the baby steps taken out of conviction and realize that God has done something far beyond what you could imagine.

Some days are hard. I don’t want to study or type one more word, but the Holy Spirit urges me on. The tapestry of lives interwoven with mine is something I will never see until heaven. Then I will stand amazed.

© Copyright, August 11, 2015 by Norma Gail Thurston Holtman

About the author:

Norma - LoMD 2014Norma Gail’s debut contemporary Christian romance, Land of My Dreams, released in April 2014. She has led weekly women’s Bible studies for 20 years. Her devotionals and poetry have appeared at ChristianDevotions.us, the Stitches Thru Time blog, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, FaithWriters, Romance Writers of America, and the New Mexico Christian Novelists. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 39 years. They have two adult children.

Connect with Norma:

Website: www.normagail.org

Book trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQbZIoC_JSE

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorNormaGail

Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+NormaGailwrites

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/normagailth/boards/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7874459

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/Norma_Gail

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/norma-gail-thurston-holtman/42/71a/3b2

Book Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Land-My-Dreams-Norma-Gail/dp/1941103170

Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/land-of-my-dreams-norma-gail/1119606864?ean=9781941103173

Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas Bookstore: http://store.lpcbooks.com/product/land-of-my-dreams/


  1. Norma, I agree with this statement wholeheartedly: “God has a plan. There is something God wants you to do. Take it one step at a time…” It’s a day-to-day process, too much for us to tackle all at once. Thanks for the reminder to proceed step-by-step. Great post!

    • Thank you, Pat! Step by step is the only way to make it through this life!

  2. I highly relate to this dear friend. It is so easy to get caught up in the idea that God cannot use us and so we quit. In my devotion time this morning one of the messages was that when we feel unworthy of our dreams or calling, we need to give those doubts and lies to God so He can fill us with His grace and mercy each morning to accomplish the task He’s given us for that day.

    • Oh so unworthy! Rather than growing in confidence with each semester of Bible study I seem to decrease in self-confidence and increase in the understanding of how little I know and how incapable I am in my own abilities.

  3. Great words of wisdom–one step at a time and be faithful where you are. Thank you for being faithful to God’s call on your life!

    • Thank you! I was praying for you this morning!

  4. our God is SO faithful towards us 😀

    • Yes, He is. And how easily we forget that.

  5. I’m crying as I write this Norma. Thank you for speaking to my worn spirit today. I love you.

    • My sweet friend, I am so amazed that God knows the day to have something I write scheduled when I write it ahead of time and have no idea if it will mean anything to anyone. I love you! God is using you, and He will heal the pain in His time, but I know it hurts.

  6. I love this. God has a plan. He got us this far, he’s going to help us the rest of the way.

    Nan, your post spoke to me, and encouraged me. It reminded me how much God loves us and values us, and it’s not dependent on how we feel. We are being used, even in our weak times. I hope you feel better. *big hug*

    • Hugs to you for your sweet and loving reply to Nan!

    • Thank you CeeCee. I’ve been hiding out beneath the shadow of His wing a lot lately and have felt His tender love and encouraging touch 🙂

  7. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Norma 🙂 I have been wondering for a long time when God is going to use me. But I pray that something I say or something I share on Facebook or my blog, etc. will reach someone who needs to hear it.

    • He will use you! Never fear! Sometimes we are reaching people but they just aren’t letting us know.

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