A Groom for Mama by Catherine Castle

Posted by on Nov 17, 2017 | 8 comments

A Groom for Mama by Catherine Castle

A Groom for Mama is an intriguing title for a romantic comedy. I met Catherine Castle through the Stitches thru Time blog where we are both contributors. It’s always fun to become acquainted with authors new to me and learn about their books and writing process. I know you’ll enjoy meeting her! Your comment on the blog will enter you to win a Kindle copy of her latest book. Make certain to sign into the Rafflecopter to increase your chances of winning! 



Fabulous Fridays

A Groom for Mama

Welcome, Catherine!

Thanks for hosting me today, Norma.

What first inspired you to start writing?

I’ve always written, but the journey to publication came when I started writing non-fiction for a local newspaper in 1990. Our church was building a new sanctuary, and I took pictures of the groundbreaking and submitted an article to the editor as an unpaid contributor. The sight of my byline hooked me, and I started looking for other things to write about and landed a contract as a stringer. The leap to fiction came after I discovered a local RWA chapter in my hometown.

Introduce us to your first book, The Nun and the Narc, which garnered quite a few awards.

The Nun and the Narc is an inspirational romantic suspense that not only finaled in the Genesis contest, as well as several other contests as an unpublished book, but achieved finalist status in the prestigious EPIC contest, and first place status in the Beverly Hills Book Awards contest and  the RONE Awards after it had been published.

Here’s the blurb for The Nun and the Narc:

Where novice Sister Margaret Mary goes, trouble follows. When she barges into a drug deal, the local Mexican drug lord captures her. To escape she must depend on undercover DEA agent Jed Bond. Jed’s attitude toward her is exasperating, but when she finds herself inexplicable attracted to him he becomes more dangerous than the men who have captured them, because he is making her doubt her decision to take her final vows. Escape back to the nunnery is imperative, but life at the convent, if she can still take her final vows, will never be the same.

Nuns shouldn’t look, talk, act, or kiss like Sister Margaret Mary O’Connor—at least that’s what Jed Bond thinks. She hampers his escape plans with her compulsiveness and compassion and in the process; makes Jed question his own beliefs. After years of walling up his emotions in an attempt to become the best agent possible, Sister Margaret is crumbling Jed’s defenses and opening his heart. To lure her away from the church would be unforgivable—to lose her unbearable.

Please tell us about the how you came up with the idea for your newest book, A Groom for Mama.

A Groom for Mama had its origins in a radio play my husband and I wrote for a contest in 2003. With my husband’s blessing, the main character became a woman. I added loads of new humor, drama, and trouble to extend the 30-minute play to book length. The original premise remained the same: A dying mother wishes to see her child married before she passes.


A Groom for Mama meme


What character in your book A Groom for Mama is most like you? Was that intentional, or did it just come about in the course of the writing? 

I have absolutely no idea how to answer this question since I don’t identify personally with any of the characters. I guess I’d have to say Mama since she’s retirement age. And she ended up that age because I needed her to have limited Medical coverage, and I happen know something about Medicare. 

Are you a full-time writer or do you hold a day job? What is the biggest challenge/obstacle you face in protecting your writing time? 

I guess you’d call me full-time, since I don’t hold another day job. But I write more with the tyranny of the urgent to deadlines and characters calling me to the keyboard. The only challenge I have keeping me from the keyboard is my own self-imposed schedule. 

What distinguishes A Groom for Mama from other books out there in the same genre?

Although A Groom for Mama is a romantic comedy, it’s also a book that tugs at the heartstrings. Readers have called it “Hallmark-esque,” and said it “tugged on every one of my heartstrings and tickled my funny bone at the same time,” and it is “full of fun, wit, and heartfelt emotions.” All comments you don’t usually read about romantic comedies. I call it a romantic comedy with touches of drama.

How would you like to inspire your readers?

Specifically with A Groom for Mama, I’d like readers to know that God, humor, and laughter can help us through even the toughest of times. I think that’s been a theme with both of my books as readers also found a lot of humor in The Nun and the Narc, which is an action-packed suspense.

Please share an excerpt from A Groom for Mama with us.

Jack slid the papers across the counter. “Prospective husbands. Rank them in order, first to last choices, and I’ll arrange some meetings.”

Allison’s manicured fingers flapped helplessly in the air for a second. Then her hands dropped into her lap, knotting together into a death grip, and her mouth straightened into a thin line.

If she kept acting this way, he wondered how long they would be able to keep up this groom-hunting charade.

“I’ll get right on it.” She slid off the bar stool. “As soon as I get something to eat.”

“Suit yourself.” He leaned over the counter and kissed Beverly. “Take care. I’ll check in later to see how you are.”

“Soon?” she asked.

He nodded. “Tomorrow, at the latest. Allison, walk me to the door, please.”

“Don’t go talking about me behind my back,” Beverly said.

Grinning, he answered, “Wouldn’t dream of it.” When Allison passed him, he hooked her elbow in his and steered her toward the foyer.

As soon as they were out of the kitchen, she nudged off his grip. “Just because you can kiss Mama doesn’t mean you can be fresh with me.”

Her tone stung like a slap, and he stepped back. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to invade your space.”

“What do you want?”

“Any news on the medical front I should know?”

She sighed. “Dr. Kramer said he already got second opinions. And Mama doesn’t want to go see any doctors, because she thinks I can’t fulfill my promise to find a husband if we’re gallivanting across the country in search of a cure.”

“We can put that notion to rest. My database has connections to a nationwide search engine. I can find you a bridegroom anywhere in the USA.”

Grimacing, she said in a pinched voice, “Thanks a lot. I hoped we could skip the husband-hunting promise if I could get her out of town.”

“She’s not going to give up easily. I’ve already approached her about dropping the whole idea.”

Allison’s face brightened. “Really? How nice of you.”

A twinge of guilt pricked him. Nice had nothing to do with it. He just didn’t want to see her with anyone else.

“Anyway, it didn’t work. You’re stuck with finding a man.” As he reached for the front doorknob, she grabbed his hand.

“If I didn’t say it earlier, thanks for all you’ve done for Mama. Visiting her. Bringing her flowers. Offering to help with the medical bills.” She lowered her gaze to the floor. “After the way I treated you I’m surprised you’re willing to help me. You’ve gone above and beyond what most ex-boyfriends would do.”

He tipped Allison’s face until her gaze met his. “I love your mom and I’d do anything for her.”

“Including marry me off?”

“If Beverly wants.” He started to leave. Then he stopped. “Is it what you want?”

“No. But if dating these men will make her get a second or third or fourth opinion, it’s what I’ll do. Even if I have to get engaged to an oyster farmer from Shreveport, Louisiana.”

His mouth quirked into a grin. “I don’t think I have any of those in the database, but I can check if you want.”

“I’ll pass this time.”

“Might be a good idea considering the choices I just left with you.” The stunned expression on her face made him laugh. “They’re not all bad. Just remember, you’re the one who filled out the questionnaire, not me.”

 Book Blurb:

Beverly Walters is dying, and before she goes she has one wish—to find a groom for her daughter. To get the deed done, Mama enlists the dating service of Jack Somerset, Allison’s former boyfriend.

The last thing corporate-climbing Allison wants is a husband. Furious with Mama’s meddling, and a bit more interested in Jack than she wants to admit, Allison agrees to the scheme as long as Mama promises to search for a cure for her terminal illness.

A cross-country trip from Nevada to Ohio ensues, with a string of disastrous dates along the way, as the trio hunts for treatment and A Groom For Mama.

About the author:

Catherine Castle authorCatherine Castle is the author of the multi-award-winning inspirational suspense romance, The Nun and the Marc, and the sweet romantic comedy, A Groom for Mama. Catherine loves writing, reading, traveling, singing, watching movies, and the theatre. In the winter she quilts and has a lot of UFOs (unfinished objects) in her sewing case. In the summer her favorite place is in her garden. She’s a passionate gardener who won a “Best Hillside Garden” award from the local gardening club.

Her debut inspiration romantic suspense, The Nun and the Narc, from Soul Mate Publishing was an ACFW Genesis Finalist, a 2014 EPIC finalist, and the winner of the 2014 Beverly Hills Book Award and the 2014 RONE Award. Her most recent release, A Groom for Mama, is a sweet romantic comedy from Soul Mate Publishing. Both books are available on Amazon.

Connect with Catherine:

Website: https://catherinecastle1.wordpress.com

Facebook Author Page: https://facebook.com/catherinecastleauthor

Google+: https://plus.google.com/109253925035989625956/posts

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7085414.Catherine_Castle

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorCCastle @AuthorCCastle

Catherine’s Amazon author page: https://www.amazon.com/author/catherinecastle

Stitches Thru Time: http://stitchesthrutime.blogspot.com/

SMP authors blog site: http://smpauthors.wordpress.com/

Book Links:The Nun and the Narc cover


The Nun and the Narc: https://www.amazon.com/Nun-Narc-Catherine-Castle-ebook/dp/B00CHU9DH2/

A Groom for Mama: https://www.amazon.com/Groom-Mama-Catherine-Castle-ebook/dp/B074SZSGB1/



A Groom for Mana cover

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for hosting me today.

    • You’re so welcome!

  2. Looks like a fun read! Thank you for sharing.

  3. Congratulations, dear Catherine on your second novel. I enjoyed your first one, and this one looks like a wonderful read too.
    Blessings ~ Wendy

  4. I’d love to see pictures of her winning hillside garden!

  5. Lynn, readers think it’s fun. Thanks for coming by. Don’t forget to enter for a chance to win!

  6. Wendy,
    Thanks for the sweet compliment. I hope you entered the rafflecopter giveaway for A Groom for Mama. Thanks for dropping by.

  7. Arletta, there are pictures of the garden on my website under the gardens tab. I also have a seasonal garden blog called A writer’s Garden where I and other writers share pictures and posts about ur gardens. Come on by and visit sometime.

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