Today I would like to introduce you to David Stearman, author of the new contemporary romance Falling for Chloe. David is a singer/songwriter, speaker, missionary–well you get it, he wears a lot of hats! I know you’ll enjoy learning about his latest book! Leave a comment and sign in on the Rafflecopter at the end for an opportunity to win a copy of Falling for Chloe
Fabulous Fridays
Welcome David! It’s always exciting to meet a fellow author with Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas, and a fellow romance writer as well! Tell us something about yourself and your ministry.
I started out as a contemporary Christian recording artist, and was blessed to have a number of charting songs. (This was back in the ‘80s–none of you will remember 😉 But before long also began speaking publicly, and this morphed into doing missionary crusades and teaching seminars overseas. Today I’m still heavily involved in missions work, and I still write songs and sing around the US and abroad.
When did you first discover that you were a writer?
I picked up a book of jungle stories one day, read the first chapter and thought, “I think I could do that; write stories, I mean.” And so I began. That was a few years ago – I experienced a steep learning curve – but through the help and generosity of other authors, I eventually learned how to write a half-decent novel.
What events in your personal life have most impacted your writing, and how?
My music industry and missionary work, no doubt. My stories are filled with events cut and pasted from my own life.
How does being a musician and songwriter help you as a novelist?
Originally I thought it would help a lot, but it turns out that songwriting and novel writing involve totally different skills. The only common denominators are words and a certain sense of rhythm and timing. I do love the sound and feel of a well-timed sentence.
What inspired Falling for Chloe?
My own teenage and college years; I was insecure and wanted to be a rock star. In a small way that dream came true, and I learned that there was more to life than being seen and heard. That and the fact that I dated way too much and fell in love far too easily.
How much of yourself you write into your characters?
My characters are me. Their good are my good parts. The bad ones…well, you get my drift.
Which do you think is more important: to entertain or teach/inform?
The noble thing to say would be it’s most important to teach and inform. But to entertain is the real answer to this question, because if you don’t entertain, no one will read your book long enough to learn anything in the first place.
How do you see the importance of Christian fiction?
It provides an opportunity for the writer to become salt and light, influencing others to upgrade their values, improve the qualities of their lives, and connect with God in fresh, vital new ways.
What do you think makes your style of storytelling unique?
I’m told my stories are fast-paced, drawing the reader onward through the tale. I’m also told they’re movie-esque. (Is that a word? I guess it is now…) A number of my reviews say that reading one of my novels is like going to a theater. I hope these things are true!
Please share the first page of Falling for Chloe.
The problem was that he was hot and I was not. So he got all the girls and I got, well, mostly myself, which was not that great a thing. That was the general tenor of our lives and the way it was on that pivotal afternoon. He, Brandon Burke, with his football skills and movie-star looks, was sitting in a corner booth at our local Micky D’s with out-of-my-league Alison, her shadow Erika, and some other celestial being. Me, I was with my ace Snort, which was also not that great a thing.
“Hey Jake,” Snort croaked, “Who’s that luscious morsel over there by Ally?”
“You shouldn’t objectify women. It’s dehumanizing.”
He lowered his eyes. “I can’t help it. It’s genetic. I have a Y chromosome.”
It wasn’t that Snort was such a bad guy; it’s just that he kinda came off as a loser. But then again so did I, most likely because I was one. But my fortunes began to turn the moment the Great One entered the room. Being a Classic Rock freak, I recognized him at once. Brandon not so much, since he lived in a parallel universe anyway.
What prompted the amazing Steven Tyler to grace our humble hometown hangout will remain a mystery throughout the ages. Nevertheless, there he stood, in all his braided, beaded glory.
Snort squinted. “I’m hallucinating.”
“Definitely an apparition.” My eyes drifted back to the unapproachable angel in the corner booth.
Snort cleared his throat. “He looks old.”
I shrugged. “He is. Who cares?”
Snort shoved a napkin my way. “Get an autograph.”
“No way. It’s embarrassing.”
He slid his phone across the table. “Then take a pic.”
“Too invasive. And cheesy.”
“C’mon Jake, we can’t just do nothing.”
I groaned, struggling to my feet. “OK, I’ll figure something out.”
A couple of WWE-types stood nearby, clearly the celebrity’s bodyguards. They ignored me, probably figuring a skinny teenaged nerd offered little threat to their charge’s security.
Approaching him, I mumbled. “Um, hey, Mr. Tyler…” I’m not worthy. I’m not worthy. “I love your work.” OK, that was lame.
“Thanks,” he replied, addressing me as if I were a regular human being. “‘My work’…so you’re a singer?”
“Uh-huh. A rocker. Following in your footsteps.”
Just then, the Celestial Being appeared at my side. She looked up at him with eyes like aquamarines. “Mr. Tyler, would you please sign this? It’s for my dad.”
“Sure, sweetie.” He winked, took the paper, autographed it, and returned his gaze to me. “You any good?”
I shrugged. “Some people think so.”
“Do you write?”
“Yeah, a little bit.”
“Wanna send me a demo?”
You’ve gotta be kidding. “Sure. Where to?”
He burrowed into his pocket and pulled out a gum wrapper, upon which he scribbled an email address. “But no covers, OK? It’s gotta be original.”
As he handed the wrapper to me, his eyes shifted back to the girl. “Take care of him,” he quipped. “He just might be the Next Big Thing.”
My face felt warm. “We…we’re not together.”
He eyed us both up and down. “Too bad; you guys’d make a cute couple.”
He turned, ordered a Quarter-Pounder, nabbed it and waved as he headed for the bus. As his bodyguard opened the door, he said, “What the heck was that?”
Tyler stopped and shrugged. “I don’t know. Kinda looked like he needed a break. Reminds me of myself when I was that age.”
The bodyguard shook his head as Mr. Tyler passed on through the door.
I just stood there, dumbfounded, with the Angel still hovering by my side.
She extended a graceful hand. “Hi, I’m Chloe.”
Again, I’m not worthy…“Um, hi Chloe, I’m Jake. You new around here?”
“Just moved in.”
Makes sense. That’s why you’re unaware that I’m a social reject and unqualified to receive communication from your kind. “Really? From where?”
“Is that back east?”
“No, it’s in California.” She giggled, and the ring of it was sweeter than the sound of Metallica’s lead guitarist trilling triplets on the twelfth fret.
I felt a grin warm my face. What an afternoon. Steven Tyler, and then this Chloe. Would anything ever come of any of it?
My shoulders slumped. Dream On.
Book Blurb:
A total life do-over, that’s what Jake needs. A rewind, retake, remake. Because in his zeal to become the next Zac Brown or Alan Jackson, Jake lost Chloe – the one person he loved more than music, fame, and wealth. First there was his betrayal, followed by drugs. But that was in the past. We can’t undo our mistakes. Or can we? Could a horrendous car accident turn out to be a blessing and provide Jake an opportunity to recapture his first love? Can love’s flame survive fame and the pain of a final good bye kiss?
About the author:
David Stearman is a novelist, recording artist, songwriter, and missionary whose travels take him around the world. He loves to write about the exotic locales he visits, describing them as only a cultural and physical eyewitness can.
When not writing, singing, or speaking, David enjoys outdoor sports, gardening, and breeding birds. He lives in Kentucky with his wife Diane, their bichon Lilli, and a huge green parrot named Kermit.
Connect with David:
Website: www.davidstearmanministries.org
Facebook Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/David-Stearman/e/B008EKIOZG
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/davidstearman/
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6454021.David_Stearman
Twitter: http://twitter.com/DavidStearman
Instagram: http://instagram.com/David_Stearman/
Book Link:
You got my attention with one page! Society always seeks to label or categorize us, and I find it interesting that Jake’s personal thoughts continue along the same lines. Definitely adding it to my TBR Thanks David and Norma!
I like your answer about teaching and entertaining. The books that lose me are often the ones that teach first and entertain second.