Why Do I Need a Platform by Andrea Merrell

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Why Do I Need a Platform by Andrea Merrell

How do people find out who you are when you’re an unknown author? Why does everyone ask if you have a platform? My guest this week, author and editor, Andrea Merrell, gives the basics on building an author platform. 




Wandering Wednesdays

Do you ever feel like you’re out on that proverbial limb with no one to help you succeed?

That’s exactly where I was a few years ago. With a passion to write, I was clueless—with no idea how to format a manuscript, what to do with it when finished, or anyone in the writing and publishing industry to turn to for help. Maybe I thought God would send an angel to my door one day and he would say, “We hear you’ve written a best-seller, and we’d like to publish it.”

Not so. No angel—well, at least not one who came knocking on my door. My encounter came through a business card that just happened to fall into my hands. I made the phone call and received some of the best advice I’ve ever received: “Join a critique group, go to writers’ conferences, and network, network, network.” And so my journey began.

One of the first things I learned was the importance of establishing a platform. When you submit your work to an agent, editor, or publisher, this is one of the first things they look for.

Building a Platform

  • Start by attending a writers’ conference or workshop. You will meet people from all across the country, from newbies to multi-published authors, to agents, editors, and publishers. Exchange business cards. Follow up with them and establish a relationship.
  • Then be active on social media. It took me a while to master Twitter, but in a few short months, I went from thirty followers to almost 900, just by making it a daily habit.
  • Learn to use Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, Google +, or whatever venue you choose. Social media will connect you with people you would never know any other way. Share in the success of others and promote them whenever possible. Some people use a five-to-one rule: for every five posts, four are about others and only one about you.
  • Visit blogs with valuable content and follow them. Leave comments and get involved.
  • Start your own blog and keep it updated. Invite others to share guest posts, and be quick to respond when someone invites you to be a guest on their blog.
  • Stay current with what’s going on in the industry.

You never know when God will give you a kingdom connection, and you never know how it might come. He may surprise you with those He chooses to pour into your life and help you move forward. Sometimes our greatest blessing may come from the last possible place (or person) we expected.

Whatever you do, be ready. When you ask God to bless you and open doors of opportunity, He will. The best way to begin each day is to pray for divine appointments, divine connections, and divine favor.

Copyright Andrea Merrell

About the author:

About the author:                                                                                                                                  

Andrea MerrellAndrea Merrell is Associate Editor for Christian Devotions Ministries and Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. She is also a freelance editor and has led workshops at various writers’ conferences.  Andrea is the author of Murder of a Manuscript and The Gift which are both available on Amazon. Her newest book, Praying for the Prodigal, releases March 25, 2015. To learn more, visit www.andreamerrell.com or www.TheWriteEditing.com.

Connect with Andrea:

Website: www.andreamerrell.com

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/andrea.s.merrell

Google+: http://bit.ly/1Miy3dO

Goodreads: http://bit.ly/142LXjp

Twitter: https://www.Twitter.com/AndreaMerrell


Book Links:perf5.000x8.000.indd

Amazon link for Murder of a Manuscripthttp://amzn.to/1HlRLmy

Amazon link for Praying for the Prodigalhttp://amzn.to/1BFOhK9

Amazon like for The Gifthttp://amzn.to/1rLKAk0


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