The Whispers of God – A 2MefromHim Devotional

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The Whispers of God – A 2MefromHim Devotional

Whispers of God can be difficult to hear over the turmoil and storms of our modern-day world and human relationships. Time spent alone with Him is the way a Christian garners the strength to maintain calm in the midst of days filled with interruptions and disquiet. Storms cannot stir a foundation anchored in the strength of God.


2MefromHim Devotionals

The Whispers of God

He rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:6

Our mountainside home juddered and groaned in the gale-force winds, matching the turmoil and frustration in my heart. Disharmony in relationships that should have honored God matched the wailing of the tempest outside and my heart hurt. How could I work toward peace when every prayer-wrought suggestion I made was disregarded?

Living atop a 7200-foot mountain lends a perspective to life that those in cities can seldom achieve. God speaks more clearly in the open air, in silence only punctuated by birdcalls and coyotes. The play of sunshine and clouds on hillsides and birds gliding on updrafts opens my heart to Him like nothing else. I can hear Him whisper there.

Mine is often a solitary existence where my communion with God is heart to heart and mind to mind. The traffic, noise, and city congestion causes me to long for home. Things that seem so clear on the mountain don’t translate to busier habitats.

Days and nights of wind often batter our home, getting on my nerves with the constant strain. Yet, God is everywhere, and the silence that follows the storm is a blessing.

So it is with relationships. Frustrations between fellow human beings, like the buffeting winds, should lead us to the presence of God. Only in silent solitude with the Father can we hear Him whisper, clear as the refreshing mountain air, soothing as the susurrus of a breeze through towering pines.

Spending time at Jesus’ feet clears our minds as spring-cleaning removes the spider webs and dust of winter storms from windows, allowing sunshine to flow in unconstrained. Meeting Him on the mountaintop, high above noise and polluted air enables clear vision, unhindered by the emotion and oppressive presence of humanity.

Interruptions and frustrations may arise, but a heart rightly prepared when dawn streaks the sky with feathery clouds and soft stirrings of awakening birds will see me through the trials of the day.

When storms rattle the world, retreat into the silence of God’s presence, sit silent before Him listening for His whisper, and receive strength to meet resistance with grace and gentle words. Storms cannot stir a foundation anchored in the strength of God.

© Copyright by Norma Gail Thurston Holtman

About the author:

Norma Gail is the author of the contemporary Christian romance, Land of My Dreams, winner of the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award. A women’s Bible study leader for over 21 years, her devotionals and poetry have appeared at, the Stitches Thru Time blog, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 40 years. They have two adult children.

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