The Palm of the Master’s Hand

Posted by on Mar 12, 2012 | Comments Off on The Palm of the Master’s Hand

One after another like snowflakes
The trials keep tumbling down.
Sometimes hope disappears into silence
As the snowflakes cover the ground.
I forget as I stand there thinking
As it seems to cover my dreams,
There is a God Who is watching o’er me,
And the fear is the Enemy’s scheme.
Sometimes when I wake in the morning,
I feel still surrounded by night,
I forget the One I belong to,
It is not my battle to fight.
I hold onto things so tightly
I forget they are not really mine.
I fail to remember my Father
Makes things beautiful in His own time.
I get blinded by the blizzard around me.
I lose sight of the brightly lit home,
Forgetting there is a strong life-line,
If I hold tightly I cannot roam.
When I take time to look at the snowflakes,
When their difference and intricacy I see,
There is evidence of my dear Maker,
Who has a beautiful purpose for me.
It is never His purpose to blind me,
To wander helpless is Satan’s plan.
The loving God Who guides my life
Always stands, holding open His hands.
All the wealth of His great treasures,
The abundance of his magnificent stores,
Lie open before me for the taking
If I cling to my Master and Lord.
Every doubt and fear of the blinding storm
Comes from forgetting Who made the Plan.
He will never let go or leave me
When I rest in the palm of His hand.

Copyright by Norma Gail Thurston-Holtman & 2MefromHim Ministries, 2012. All rights reserved.
Do not use without permission of author.

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