Afflicted – A 2MefromHim Devotional by Norma Gail
Afflicted. How often do we allow the struggles of life to defeat us. Yet, as Christians, we have all the power that raised Christ from the dead at our disposal. God never intended us to feel inadequate. He intends us to live victorious lives trusting in Him.
Read MoreOne More Mountain – A Poem about Struggles for Christians
One more mountain. Christians experience struggles in life just like everyone else. The difference is that we have a source of help in the Lord to see us through, giving us strength and building our character. I have struggled through chronic pain for many years. God gave me this poem in a time of particular distress. My prayer is that it will encourage you. I would love to hear your comments!
Read MoreOvercoming or Surviving
Sometimes the biggest threat to my ability to handle everyday stress are the small things. What about you? Are you overcoming or just surviving?
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