Our World Aflame Part 6: Turning a Deaf Ear
Our world is aflame with hatred and violence and Christians are all too guilty of turning a deaf ear. Like everyone else, I have my soapboxes. After 21 1/2 years of leading women’s Bible studies, I can truly say that the most life-changing studies were on the Book of Genesis, particularly the first 11 chapters. These chapters form a foundation for the entire Bible. All of the basic tenets of our faith are set forth here. If we don’t get Creation and God’s love and purpose for mankind right, if we don’t form a worldview based on biblical principles, our faith and our ability to present Christianity to those we meet is seriously crippled. If I appear preachy, read what God has to say in the scriptures I have used. If you disagree, study these passages with the references I’ve provided. It may kindle a new fire under your faith!
Read MoreOur World Aflame Part Two: Amazing Mess
Our world has become an amazing mess. Like some horrendous nightmare that will not go away, this summer of 2016 has become more than the summer our next presidential candidates are chosen, more than the summer of the Olympics, more than a fun time of vacations to amazing destinations. This summer–this year, has become the summer death, violence, and hatred, when we turn on the daily news to see where people have died today. Where will it end? What does it mean? What can I do when our world is aflame?
Read MoreOur World Aflame Part One: Stains
Our world is rocked almost on a daily basis with man’s inhumanity to man. Stains of hatred, selfishness, anger, and prejudice covering the world in a firestorm of hate and death. It seems as if the only answer anyone knows is violence. This disease has infected the entire human race since Adam’s time. Where will it stop? What will it take to make it end? Join me for a summer series entitled, Our World Aflame.
Read MoreOvercoming or Surviving
Sometimes the biggest threat to my ability to handle everyday stress are the small things. What about you? Are you overcoming or just surviving?
Read MoreI Can, But Will I? by Marcie Bridges
We all struggle to do what we should. My guest, Marcie Warner Bridges, shares how Jesus will give us the strength to say “I can”.
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