Sufficient Grace – A 2MefromHim Devotional
Sufficient grace, something no one feels, yet God makes it available and enables us to bless others in the midst of the most trying circumstances. Enjoy a repeat of one of my favorites!
Read MoreWhen Trust Overwhelms Fear -A 2MefromHim Devotional
Trust overwhelms fear when faith in God drowns out the voice of doubt. A failure to believe God is in control allows the voice of fear to inundate trust with a deluge of doubt.
When Trust Overwhelms Fear
2MefromHim Devotionals
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 1 Timothy 1:7
Trust overwhelms fear when faith in God drowns out the voice of doubt. A failure to believe God is in control allows the voice of fear to inundate trust with a deluge of doubt.
Fear threatens everything I know is true when I allow it to control my mind and heart. I can’t think clearly, can’t sleep, can’t eat, and act irrationally.
Trust is the opposite of fear, a deep, unshakeable confidence that everything will be fine, sometimes despite all reason.
Trust overwhelms fear when faith in God drowns out the voice of doubt. #trust #faith #peace Share on XTrust Overwhelms Fear by God’s Grace
In 2003, I left a routine physical knowing that, in all likelihood, I had cancer. There was a nodule on my thyroid gland. Two members of my family had already experienced cancer. It was my turn. But no tears came.
Thyroid cancer is one of the most curable. However, any cancer diagnosis is uncertain. A supernatural peace filled my heart and trust infiltrated my thoughts.
As I moved through doctor’s appointments, surgery, and a radioactive iodine ablation, trust carried me. It’s not that I have extraordinary faith. I worry and become afraid, sometimes to the extreme. However, I read the Bible and kept my prayer time every day. God’s goodness and grace buoyed my heart with confident trust that never wavered.
Sixteen and a half years later, I revisited the nuclear medicine department for a scan. Once again, I was overwhelmed at the memory of God’s grace through the months of having no thyroid hormone in my body and fatigue so immense I can’t even describe it. Trust overcomes fear when I lean on God’s grace because I lack strength.
Trust overcomes fear when I lean on God’s grace because I lack strength. #grace #God #coronavirus Share on XTrust Overwhelms Fear When I Believe Who God Says He Is
Psalm 46:10 AMPC says, “Let be and be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God.” When fear threatens, I must determine to be still and think about who God says he is and what he has done in the past. Jesus calmed the storm with the words, “Peace, be still.” How can I doubt the Son of God who holds power over the waves and wind?
If I truly believe God is who he says he is, I must trust his will. When I struggle, he offers strength if I lean on him. He will never leave or forsake me. The Lord walks beside me, indwells me by his Holy Spirit, and leads me through the Bible and prayer. Choose to act from faith, not fear.
Choose to act from faith, not fear. #courage #trust #coronavirus Share on XTrust Overwhelms Fear When We Listen to the Voice of God
The prophet Isaiah wrote, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” I must take time to sit in silence and listen for his voice.
Much lesser trials have created far greater fear. God wants me to always experience the level of confidence that I knew during my episode with cancer. When fear threatens to overcome trust, I can remember how he helped me in the past. Power to overcome fear with trust depends on my knowledge of who God is and what he says. The outcome won’t always be according to my desires but it will be in line with his character of goodness and grace.
Trust overcomes fear when I listen to the voice of God more than any other voice that vies for my attention. When I feel fear, I can still choose to act as if I trust and real trust will follow.
When I feel fear, I can still choose to act as if I trust. #trust #fear #pandemic #faith Share on XTrust Overwhelms Fear When Faith Drowns Out the Voice of Doubt
No matter what plagues us with fear and doubt, God is still on the throne. From the beginning of time, he knew every trial I would face. God knew. God reigns. God enables me to overcome fear if I place my trust in him.
God enables me to overcome fear if I place my trust in him. #God #trust #overcomer Share on XThe Great Physician
I know the Great Physician,
He loves me tenderly.
My health and gracious healing
Are His priority.
He gave to me The Comforter,
Who always knows my need.
When all is fear and chaos,
He calms and cares for me.
I need not fear the battle,
No harm can touch my heart.
For Jesus, my Great Healer,
Will always take my part.
And if my body fails me,
He surely will be there.
My Lord will not forsake me,
For heaven awaits His heir.
While here on earth we struggle,
When others think all is lost,
I have peace and hope to offer
For Jesus paid the cost.
What peace His Presence lends me.
What hope I can impart
With others who are struggling,
I share the peacekeeper of my heart.
When Trust Overwhelms Fear -A 2MefromHim Devotional Share on X© Norma Gail Holtman, March 14, 2020
About the author:
Norma Gail writes Fiction to Refresh Your Spirit. Her contemporary novels, Land of My Dreams, which won the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award, and Within Golden Bands (releasing May 19, 2020), explore the theme of women whose faith triumphs over trials. A women’s Bible study leader for over 21 years, her devotionals and poetry have appeared at, the Stitches Thru Time blog, Inspire a Fire, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, Historical Writers of America, and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 44 years. They have two adult children. To connect with her, you can follow her blog, or join her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Goodreads, or Amazon.
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Revisiting Do What is Right from 2011
This summer was a time I was supposed to be relaxing and taking care of myself. Something that was supposed to take little time for maximum impact has turned into a nightmare of work! However, I know God is in this and has a plan for how to do it. I will be recycling some devotionals from the past this summer. It’s a good exercise for me to gauge how far I’ve come. I hope they will bless you too! Today’s blast from the past is called “Do What is Right”!
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Open the door to Jesus. It is the key to finding the love, peace, and help to navigate the difficult circumstances of life!
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