Posts Tagged "murder"

Days of Disaster – A 2MefromHim Devotional

Posted by on Oct 16, 2017 | Comments Off on Days of Disaster – A 2MefromHim Devotional

Days of Disaster – A 2MefromHim Devotional

Disasters, occurring almost daily, make us dread to turn on the news or read the headlines, sometimes to pick up the phone, but how does Jesus want us to respond? What message does he send for those who hurt? I would love to hear your comments!

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Murder for Emily’s Sake by Larry W. Timm

Posted by on Sep 22, 2017 | 8 comments

Murder for Emily’s Sake by Larry W. Timm

Murder for Emily’s Sake by Larry W. Timm is a suspense-filled story of love, loss, and redemption. I know you will enjoy meeting the author! Leave a comment on the blog and sign in on the Rafflecopter for a chance to win your choice of a print or Kindle copy!

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Our World Aflame Part 6: Turning a Deaf Ear

Posted by on Sep 5, 2016 | 6 comments

Our World Aflame Part 6: Turning a Deaf Ear

Our world is aflame with hatred and violence and Christians are all too guilty of turning a deaf ear. Like everyone else, I have my soapboxes. After 21 1/2 years of leading women’s Bible studies, I can truly say that the most life-changing studies were on the Book of Genesis, particularly the first 11 chapters. These chapters form a foundation for the entire Bible. All of the basic tenets of our faith are set forth here. If we don’t get Creation and God’s love and purpose for mankind right, if we don’t form a worldview based on biblical principles, our faith and our ability to present Christianity to those we meet is seriously crippled. If I appear preachy, read what God has to say in the scriptures I have used. If you disagree, study these passages with the references I’ve provided. It may kindle a new fire under your faith! 

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The Tenth Plague by Adam Blumer

Posted by on Jun 3, 2016 | 11 comments

The Tenth Plague by Adam Blumer

A young couple with a newly adopted child. A weekend resort getaway. Sounds perfect, right? But murder and mayhem await. Meet Adam Blumer, author of The Tenth Plague, a new Christian thriller/suspense novel. We would love to hear your comments and they will earn you a chance to win a signed copy! Sign in on the Rafflecopter at the bottom to increase your opportunities to win!

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