Posts Tagged "Grits & Grace"

The Steps of Life by Martin Wiles

Posted by on Apr 25, 2016 | 1 comment

The Steps of Life by Martin Wiles

The steps of life may be slippery, steep, and rocky at times, but God has a purpose for each and every one. Martin Wiles shares how those steps are intended for our good if we only look to God for the purpose. We would love to hear your comments! May your path be straight this week!

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Axing Anxiety by Martin Wiles

Posted by on Nov 30, 2015 | Comments Off on Axing Anxiety by Martin Wiles

Axing Anxiety by Martin Wiles

Does the holiday rush make you anxious? Being anxious can impair our judgment. My guest, Martin Wiles shares his thoughts on axing anxiety and acting in faith. We would love to hear your comments! 

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