Be Kind – A 2MefromHim Devotional Reading
Be Kind. Easy to say, not so easy to do. It costs us something. It takes time. It requires thought. It is important to God.
Read MoreBlessed Controller – A 2MefromHim Devotional
J.B. Phillips calls our Lord, Jesus Christ “the blessed controller of all things”. Yet often life seems to spin and twirl out of control like a carnival ride gone crazy. In those times, we must remember who controlled the wind and waves, who raised from the dead, who promised to never leave or forsake us. We must trust that God is in control.
Read MoreGood Things to Come: The Plans and Purposes of God
Good things to come should be the attitude of Christians throughout the year. Our Christmas celebrations should remind us of the gospel message Jesus came to bring–the good news that we have a Savior who offers hope, both while we live on earth and after we die, in heaven. The day after Christmas we should begin to live the coming year remembering that the Babe of Bethlehem brought us salvation and eternal life.
Read MoreGod is Good by Denise Loock
God’s goodness is something believers and non-believers ponder from time to time. Denise Loock is one of my favorite devotional writers, and she has a delightful way of looking at the goodness of God. We would love to hear your comments!
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