Writing Isn’t All I Do, But It Comes Close!
Writing isn’t all I do. However, anything can turn into the idea for a story. Almost anywhere I go can turn into research for a story. I interview a lot of people. This week, a little something about me while I attend a writer’s conference!
Read MorePowerful Beginnings by Kathy Ide
Kathy Ide, author and editor, has some powerful advice for fiction writers on beginnings that hook your audience and keep them reading.
Read MoreWhy You Should Twist Your Plot – Sandra Ardoin
Surprises can be good or bad, but if you’re writing fiction an unexpected twist in the plot can make or break your story. Sandra Ardoin shares some reasons why readers love plot twists and how to keep them coming back for more.
Read MoreMystery vs Murky by Aaron Gansky
Authors, particularly new ones, struggle with how much information to give and when to give it. Aaron Gansky offers tips on how to write stories that have mystery that isn’t murky. Welcome Aaron!
Read MoreMake Your Story World Come Alive
One of the key elements to any work of fiction is the setting. Believable creation of the story world is every bit as important as the character creation, and in fact, the setting can often function very much like a character in the way it captivates and draws the reader in. The most important thing a writer can accomplish with their setting is to make the reader think they live there.
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