Posts Tagged "fear"

God Seems Silent When Our World Spins Out of Control

Posted by on Jun 2, 2020 | Comments Off on God Seems Silent When Our World Spins Out of Control

God Seems Silent When Our World Spins Out of Control

God seems silent when our world spins out of control. When people seek to destroy each other with hate, violence, and destruction, fear threatens to dislodge faith.





God Seems Silent When Our World Spins Out of Control

2MefromHim Devotionals

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9

Isaiah 55:8-9

God seems silent when our world spins out of control. When people seek to destroy each other with hate, violence, and destruction, fear threatens to dislodge faith. Hope runs low.

Our world heaves in the throes of COVID-19, riots, tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes. Some perceive it as contrary to God’s loving nature to allow circumstances to run their course and not intervene. However, even when we cannot understand, the Lord is still with us. God promised to never leave or forsake us. He is present even when our world spins out of control.

When people seek to destroy each other with hate, violence, and destruction, fear threatens to dislodge faith. #riots #fear #faith Share on X

God Seems Silent When We Cannot Understand

Recently, a young Cooper’s hawk began to sit on the roof outside our kitchen door in the morning. One day, I heard a persistent tapping on a skylight in our family room. The young hawk was walking on the glass and pecking with his beak. Right below the skylight sat my laundry basket with bright red towels on top. Perhaps, he was confused by what he saw but not reach.

Have you felt that way? Frustrated by world events yet powerless to act? Unable to offer words of sanity and comfort? Perhaps you feel your prayers bounce off the ceiling without being heard. Confusion. Doubt. Fear. Questions. Hopeless. Helpless. Alone.

Have you felt that way? Frustrated by world events yet powerless to act? #hopelessness #helplessness #powerless Share on X

When God Seems Silent, We Can Be His Hands and Feet

Just as the young hawk couldn’t understand what he saw, we’re powerless to trace God’s hand in the events of our world. It’s not easy to trust and never question the wisdom of God. Yet, He never promised freedom from trials, but to go through them with us. If we fail to accept what God sends with trusting hearts, we refuse His greatest blessings. To hope in the face of the unknown enables us to believe Him and trust His word as never before.

Let God speak love through you. Be His hands and feet in a lost and fearful world. #Godislove #love #COVID19 Share on X

Perhaps, like the hawk, we must move on from what we cannot understand and seek those things we can accomplish. We must trust God to control what we cannot. How can you reach out to those touched by prejudice, violence, tragedy, or virus? You can express thanks to law enforcement and first responders. Pray with and for those without hope, who turn to violence rather than God. Let God speak love through you. Be His hands and feet in a lost and fearful world.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. Isaiah 55:8 #God #wisdom #purpose Share on X

© Norma Gail Holtman, June 1, 2020

About the author:

Norma Gail - AuthorNorma Gail writes Fiction to Refresh Your Spirit. Her contemporary novels, Land of My Dreams, which won the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award, and Within Golden Bands (releasing May 19, 2020), explore the theme of women whose faith triumphs over trials. A women’s Bible study leader for over 21 years, her devotionals and poetry have appeared at, the Stitches Thru Time blog, Inspire a Fire, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, Historical Writers of America, and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 44 years. They have two adult children. To connect with her, you can follow her blog, or join her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Goodreads, BookBub, or Amazon.





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Finding a Sense of Peace in Unsettled Times

Posted by on May 19, 2020 | 4 comments

Finding a Sense of Peace in Unsettled Times

A sense of peace is hard to come by in these strange days we’re living. Life has a surreal quality and I’m not alone in wondering if things will ever be close to normal again.





Finding a Sense of Peace in Unsettled Times

A 2MefromHim Devotional

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

A sense of peace is hard to come by in these strange days we’re living. Life has a surreal quality and I’m not alone in wondering if things will ever be close to normal again.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 #peace #Jesus #fear Share on X

When I Lack a Sense of Peace

Unsettled thoughts interrupt my prayer time. Matters that were priorities before the quarantine seem amplified by new concerns. I sometimes feel close to tears. We’re separated by social distancing, confused over health guidelines, and our country seems more divided than ever. My heart cries, “Peace, peace, when there is no peace.” Often, I wonder what God is doing through the COVID-19 crisis, earthquakes, fires, and unrest.

Often, I wonder what God is doing through the COVID-19 crisis, earthquakes, fires, and unrest. #COVID19 #fear #God Share on X

A Sense of Peace Demonstrated

As I contemplate the mountain views spreading out from my window, it’s obvious that nature isn’t disturbed. The birds sing without care. The trees turn greener by the day. Nothing in the natural world has changed. I’m reminded of Matthew 6, where Jesus reminds us that the birds neither sow or reap, the flowers of the field don’t labor or spin because they know their heavenly Father will take care of all their needs. (Matthew 6:19-24)

I’m not to worry about how our economy or health will survive the pandemic. My hope isn’t in health or government officials. Hope comes from God, the loving Father who knows everything I need. Worry won’t add a moment to my life but it might subtract a few. Stress over relationships, money, or future plans can only bring me harm. My heavenly Father knows what is coming. He sees the future as clearly as he sees today and has seen the past. God’s knowledge of my needs at every moment of my life is perfect. His plans to provide are already in place. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)

Hope comes from God, the loving Father who knows everything I need. #provision #hope #anxiety Share on X

Regaining a Sense of Peace

When Jesus spoke to his disciples before the crucifixion, he knew the dangers they faced, the uncertainty and persecution that would come. He knew their faith would be tested and their hearts confused. They would be afraid and he would no longer be with them in physical form to comfort them. Yet he promised to leave them with peace nothing like they had ever known—a peace that could overcome anything the world brought against them.

The early Christians faced a world every bit as uncertain as our own. Death threatened them because they believed. Yet John wrote, “This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.” (1 John 5:4-5)

My task is to remain in the peace of God. When I feel upset, my thoughts must turn to his promises. My certainty rests in Christ alone. My sense of peace resides in the Prince of Peace who lives within me. I will overcome.

My sense of peace resides in the Prince of Peace who lives within me. I will overcome. #trials #pandemic #Jesus Share on X

© Copyright Norma Gail Holtman, May 14, 2020

About the author:

Norma Gail - AuthorNorma Gail writes Fiction to Refresh Your Spirit. Her contemporary novels, Land of My Dreams, which won the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award, and Within Golden Bands (releasing May 19, 2020), explore the theme of women whose faith triumphs over trials. A women’s Bible study leader for over 21 years, her devotionals and poetry have appeared at, the Stitches Thru Time blog, Inspire a Fire, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, Historical Writers of America, and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 44 years. They have two adult children. To connect with her, you can follow her blog, or join her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Goodreads, BookBub, or Amazon.





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Our Reason for Hope When the World Fears

Posted by on Apr 14, 2020 | 4 comments

Our Reason for Hope When the World Fears

What is the reason for our hope during the COVIC-19 pandemic? In this week after Easter, I am reminded of the lack of hope the disciples experienced following the crucifixion.





Our Reason for Hope When the World Fears

2MefromHim Devotionals

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. 1 Peter 3:15

What is the reason for our hope during the COVIC-19 pandemic? Right now, despair is a menacing specter for many. In this week after Easter, I think of the lack of hope the disciples experienced following the crucifixion. They hid in fear, confused, hopeless, and without direction.

Our Reason for Hope scripture

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. 1 Peter 3:15 #Christianliving #hope Share on X

Is There Reason for Hope During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Watching the news strikes fear into our hearts through uncertainty about our health and the economy. As Christians, our hope centers on the promises of God. 2 Corinthians 1:20 tells us, “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ. And so through him, the ‘Amen’ is spoken by us to the glory of God.”

However, each of us knows people who are lost, fearful, and anxious about what life holds in a post-pandemic world. Jesus Christ is our hope, past, present, and future.

Our Reason for Hope 1

What hope can you share with people frightened by the pandemic? #Godislove #hope #COVID19 Share on X

Our Reason for Hope in Every Circumstance

Before his death, Jesus told his followers about the helper they would receive when he was no longer with them. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth…But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:16, 26, 27)

Following the resurrection, those who saw Jesus went forth into the hostile world with fearless confidence. The same enemies surrounded them, certain they had destroyed the threat to their way of life, yet the apostles exhibited power.

Christians have a helper to strengthen them when trials come. #faithinthetimeofcoronavirus #HolySpirit #trials Share on X

Our Reason for Hope to Share with the World

Our Reason for Hope 2

In spite of our altered world, we possess the same promises and helper as Jesus’ disciples. The Holy Spirit confers upon the Christian the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead.

First, we study scripture and pray, then we go to our families, friends, and neighbors filled with joy and peace because of the hope within us. Our faith doesn’t rest in human wisdom offered in news reports but in the power of God. Share that hope with someone this week.

Do you hope in human wisdom or the power of God? #wisdom #power #Quarantinelife Share on X

© Copyright, Norma Gail Holtman, April 13, 2020

About the author:

Norma Gail - AuthorNorma Gail writes Fiction to Refresh Your Spirit. Her contemporary novels, Land of My Dreams, which won the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award, and Within Golden Bands (releasing May 19, 2020), explore the theme of women whose faith triumphs over trials. A women’s Bible study leader for over 21 years, her devotionals and poetry have appeared at, the Stitches Thru Time blog, Inspire a Fire, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, Historical Writers of America, and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 44 years. They have two adult children. To connect with her, you can follow her blog, or join her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Goodreads, or Amazon.


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Easter in Quarantine: Hope for a Frightened World

Posted by on Apr 7, 2020 | Comments Off on Easter in Quarantine: Hope for a Frightened World

Easter in Quarantine: Hope for a Frightened World

Easter in quarantine–this Sunday, we won’t dress in our finest and gather in churches to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Yet, even in quarantine, Christians can proclaim the hope of our living Redeemer to those around us.




Easter in Quarantine: Resurrection Hope for a Frightened World

2MefromHim Devotionals

I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection… Philippians 3:10

On the first Easter, Jesus’ disciples did not proclaim the Good News of salvation to the world. They hid behind locked doors in fear, much like our quarantine due to COVID-19. This Sunday, we won’t dress in our finest and gather in churches to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Yet, even in quarantine, Christians can proclaim the hope of our living Redeemer to those around us.

Easter in Quarantine scripture

I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection… Philippians 3:10 #Easter #resurrection #JesusChrist Share on X

On Easter in Quarantine, Christians Must Give Our Fear to God

First, we must give our fear to the Lord and leave it there. Precautions and obedience to laws that keep us safe are wise. Hiding in fear of death is not. Just before raising Lazarus from the dead, Jesus said to Martha, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26) His question today is the same.

Jesus didn’t welcome the suffering he had to endure any more than we welcome the coronavirus but he prayed for God’s will, not his own. Mark reports that Jesus addressed God as “Daddy.” He prayed, “Abba, Father…everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me.” If we truly believe that we have already passed from death to life (John 5:24), we know God is in control no matter what trials come. True faith is trust in the midst of turmoil.

Easter in Quarantine 1

True faith is trust in the midst of turmoil. #faith #trust #Quarantinelife Share on X

On Easter in Quarantine, We Must Proclaim Our Hope to a Lost and Fearful World

There is no shame in sharing our fears about the pandemic with friends. Common concerns offer a basis to explain our hope. When Jesus appeared following his resurrection, he told the disciples to have peace.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ isn’t only a historical event. The resurrection is power. Ephesians 1:18-20 says believers have an “incomparably great power.” The mighty power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead lives within us. However, in order for that power to be evident in our lives, we must die to self, lay our fears at Jesus’ feet, and walk in his peace, offering hope to a frightened world. The disciples were fearless after the resurrection.

The disciples were fearless after the resurrection. #courage coronavirus #Easter Share on X


Be Creative This Easter

Though we can’t invite friends and family to church this Easter, we can write notes to unbelievers sharing the reason for our trust in God. Perhaps we can invite them to watch an online church service with us by Facetime, Skype, or Zoom. They might be more open to a service online or television than attending a worship service. Afterward, we can answer their questions.

Easter in Quarantine 2

Our hope is certain. 1 Peter 2:6 says, “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame.” Jesus is that Cornerstone. We will come through this pandemic as stronger, more confident Christians if we focus on the One who overcame death by the power of the resurrection rather than hiding in fear.

We will come through this pandemic as more confident Christians if we focus on the One who overcame death by the power of the resurrection #victory #COVID19 Share on X

© Norma Gail Holtman, April 3, 2020

About the author:

Norma Gail - AuthorNorma Gail writes Fiction to Refresh Your Spirit. Her contemporary novels, Land of My Dreams, which won the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award, and Within Golden Bands (releasing May 19, 2020), explore the theme of women whose faith triumphs over trials. A women’s Bible study leader for over 21 years, her devotionals and poetry have appeared at, the Stitches Thru Time blog, Inspire a Fire, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, Historical Writers of America, and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 44 years. They have two adult children. To connect with her, you can follow her blog, or join her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Goodreads, or Amazon.


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Having a Noah’s Ark Experience During the COVID-19 Crisis

Posted by on Mar 24, 2020 | Comments Off on Having a Noah’s Ark Experience During the COVID-19 Crisis

Having a Noah’s Ark Experience During the COVID-19 Crisis

Noah’s ark provides a powerful example of isolation during an unusual event that changed the world forever. But God remembered Noah and his family. And he remembers each one of us.





Having a Noah’s Ark Experience During the COVID-19 Crisis

A 2MefromHim Devotional


But God remembered… Genesis 8:1

Noah's Ark Experience 1

Noah’s Ark Shows God is in Control

The COVID-19 quarantine is a unique experience in our time. We have lived relatively free of the diseases and plagues experienced by previous generations. Without warning, we face a formidable and dangerous situation that threatens our lives, our livelihood, and our world economy. We don’t know how long the pandemic will last or how our world will change before we emerge. Rather than the world being out of control, God is in control just as he was during the Flood.

We don’t know how long the pandemic will last or how our world will change but God is in control. #pandemic #Godisgood #hope Share on X

Noah’s Ark Shows God has a Purpose

In Noah’s time as in ours, evil flourished and few cared about God. He was the only righteous man in the world, intimate with God and obedient to him. Noah gathered his family, the necessary food, the animals, and entered the ark. Unlike our situation, Genesis 7:16 tells us, “Then the Lord shut him in.” However, whether due to our own health or the orders of authorities, ultimately God has a purpose for our isolation.

God Doesn’t Take His People Out of the Storms of Life

Noah's Ark Experience 2

Once Noah and his family were safe, the deluge hit. Imagine the panicky people left outside. Picture them running to the top of buildings and then mountains, as the waters rose higher, accompanied by frightened animals desperate to save themselves. Perhaps Noah heard the screams. In the same way that people have rushed to buy essential items, and call professionals worried about their health now, the people of Noah’s day scrambled to find a place of safety.

As with the natural forces unleashed during the Flood, the coronavirus is an event of nature resulting in massive mortality. Whether by direct action or selective inaction, God holds ultimate control. Like the rest of the world, Christians can’t avoid the COVID-19 pandemic. However, our safety isn’t only in remaining virus-free and living. Christians have the assurance of safety in Christ even if they die. Likewise, God didn’t take Noah out of the storm but kept his family safe as they went through it.

God didn’t take Noah out of the storm but kept his family safe as they went through it. #safety #Godislove #safety Share on X

God Wants Us to Proclaim His Message to Frightened People

Noah's Ark Experience 3

We will come out of isolation. Noah emerged from the ark into a changed world void of other life and everything that existed before. People will emerge from the COVID-19 crisis having lost family members, health, jobs, financial security, and with new fears of another disease outbreak. When that time comes, God wants his people to go forth and proclaim the message of salvation to those trapped in fear and darkness.

Share the Good News of salvation in Christ with the frightened people in our world. #coroanvirus #Jesus #hope Share on X

Our Noah’s ark experience should equip us to share the Good News of salvation in Christ with the frightened people in our world. We have comfort and hope the world lacks. We have a God who says, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)

Spend time with God during this quarantine and find ways to tell a frightened world that God remembers them and wants them to know him.

But God remembered… Genesis 8:1 God didn't forget Noah and he won't forget you. #Godislove #Noah #isolation Share on X

© Norma Gail Holtman, March 21, 2020

About the author:

Norma Gail - AuthorNorma Gail writes Fiction to Refresh Your Spirit. Her contemporary novels, Land of My Dreams, which won the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award, and Within Golden Bands (releasing May 19, 2020), explore the theme of women whose faith triumphs over trials. A women’s Bible study leader for over 21 years, her devotionals and poetry have appeared at, the Stitches Thru Time blog, Inspire a Fire, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, Historical Writers of America, and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 44 years. They have two adult children. To connect with her, you can follow her blog, or join her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Goodreads, or Amazon.


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