Our World Aflame Part Five: A Wild Donkey
When Sarah and Abraham circumvented God’s plan by deciding to have a child through Sarah’s maid, Hagar, they unknowingly loosed a wild donkey in the world and everyone has suffered for it since. God made that child into a great nation, as He had promised to do with Abraham’s descendants, but there were consequences. I would love to hear your comments on this last part of my series on Our World Aflame.
Read MoreThe Bonfires of Beltane by Mark Fisher
Fans of historical fiction will enjoy meeting this week’s guest, Mark Fisher, and hearing about his debut novel, The Bonfires of Beltane. In today’s publishing world, it is not uncommon for authors with the same publisher to be unacquainted with each other, unless they meet at a writer’s conference. During a recent visit to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, I posted a prayer request on the author page for Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. Much to my surprise, it resulted in an invitation to church and a new friendship. Fellow LPC author, Mark and his wife, Barb were a huge encouragement to me, as were the members of The Gathering, a church in downtown Rochester. Sign in on the Rafflecopter at the bottom of the page for a chance to win a signed print copy! We have extended the giveaway until midnight August 11th due to problems with the Rafflecopter!
Read MoreNew Book Giveaway Coming July 29th!
I’m excited to introduce you to debut author, Mark Fisher, author of The Bonfires of Beltane, a new Christian historical novel set in the Ireland of AD 432. I know you’ll enjoy getting acquainted with Mark and entering to win a print copy of his book! The giveaway begins July 29th!
Read MoreTo Argue or Not – A 2MefromHim Devotional
To argue or not. Our country and our world are becoming more divided by the day and more and more, the world blames Christians. As someone who loves a good argument, I tend to believe words can change anything. However, what is needed in our world today are not changed minds but changed hearts. I cannot change hearts, but I know the One who can.
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