Better or Bitter – A 2MefromHim Devotional
Better or bitter is a choice we face in every situation in life. The lives of those who become bitter are never remembered with fondness. When someone chooses to become better through life’s hardships, they are remembered because we are blessed.
Read MoreChoose Grace: A Lesson in Honoring God
To choose grace in situations where I feel wronged and ignored is hard for me. I suspect it is difficult for you as well. However, God’s desire is that we honor Him by choosing to treat others with the same grace He showed when He forgave our sins before we even committed them–before we were born. Only in acting with grace toward others will I give God the honor He deserves.
Read MoreMad Men and Apathy: The Plans and Purposes of God
Christmas demands people to make a decision, even if they don’t realize it. For 2000 years, Jesus Christ has inspired the obsession of mad men and apathy of both the ignorant and educated. The Bible gives strong examples of both in the behavior of King Herod and the apathy of the religious leaders and innkeeper. What will you choose to do with Jesus this Christmas? I would love to hear your comments!
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