A Trickle that Leads to a Flood – A 2MefromHim Devotional
A Trickle that Leads to a Flood. Sometimes those choices we make without a second thought can have real impact down the road. It pays to recognize that the little things in life can be object lessons to help us see larger things in a different light. A seemingly small decision can change a life in a split second.
Read MoreREGENER8 For Street Smart Teens by Robert Cook
REGENER8: Straight Talk for Street Smart Teens is different from most books I feature but one of you knows someone who needs it, a teen, parent, or youth pastor. Rob Cook grew up street-smart and in trouble. With no father, a deaf mother, and four brothers, he grew up stealing to make ends meet. He knew nothing of God and the church rejected him. Please leave a comment and sign in on the Rafflecopter at the bottom for a chance to win a print copy.
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