Rusty Cars & Hearts by Alisha Ritchie

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Rusty Cars & Hearts by Alisha Ritchie

“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” is a platitude I’ve heard all my life. My guest, Alisha Ritchie points out that the same goes with God. While someone may not seem worth much to me, in God’s eyes they are of infinite worth. God can use my weaknesses for His glory. He can change our hearts into something worth loving. 



2MefromHim Devotional

“‘…Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him.  For the Lord sees not as man sees:  man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.’” 

1 Samuel 16:7 ESV

Thirty cars.  That’s the number of old, rusted vehicles my patient has lining his dirt driveway.  Some of the automobiles have tires, some do not.  Some of them have doors, while others are missing.  Some of the vehicles have chipped, decaying paint, while others are completely covered in brown rust.  Many of the abandoned cars have even become houses to a multitude of unwelcomed critters.

My patient has collected a wide variety of vehicles over the years to work on, use for parts, and improve upon.  While I look at the remnants as piles of useless junk, my patient views them as priceless treasure.  To him, they hold memories of times of better health, when he was able to walk outdoors and fiddle around in his shop.  He sees the tarnished metal as holding unending potential as parts to use for designing new items or outlets for his imagination and creativity to make the cars work again.  Even though they may not have much monetary value to the world, they are of incalculable worth to him.

I can’t help but think of how this closely resembles the way my Heavenly Father feels about me.  At times, I get down and depressed, and feelings of unworthiness and hopelessness crowd my spirit, causing me to see myself in a negative shadow.  The world can be a harsh place, telling me I’m not good enough, capable, or valuable enough to complete certain tasks.  My joy starts moping around and fear sets up camp in my heart and soul.  I sometimes view myself as tarnished, unusable rubbish, even rusty and ugly on the inside.

But thankfully, the Lord sees me entirely different.

God doesn’t see the broken mess of myself that others perceive.  He looks at my heart, Rusty Cars & Hearts 2the same heart he sent Jesus to die for.  God encourages me that I am worth so much to Him He sacrificed His son so that I have inheritance in Heaven.  The Lord only focuses on me as a precious child, whom He created with special talents and gifts to use for Him.  He sees my abilities rather than my disabilities and can turn my weaknesses into reliance on His strength for His purposes.  God views me as my patient perceives his  antique cars-priceless.

Don’t let the world tell you who are and how much you are worth.  God’s Word reinforces that you are valuable and He wants to hold you close as His child.  Let the Lord’s love and reassurance wash over you today, giving confidence of the treasure you truly are to Him.

“Dear Lord, help me to understand You see me differently than the world does.  Guide me in deriving my self-confidence and worth in the identity you have set before me as Your precious child.  Take my weaknesses and imperfections and use them for Your glory.  Also encourage me to see all people as Your beautiful creations and give me ways to demonstrate love for them.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”

© Copyright Alisha Ritchie

“God doesn’t see the broken mess…He looks at me” – Alisha Ritchie Tweet: God doesn’t see the broken mess... He looks at my heart - Alisha Ritchie #devo #God #love @Norma_Gail

“God’s Word reinforces that you are valuable…” – Alisha Ritchie Tweet:

Alisha RitchieAbout the author:

Alisha Ritchie is a wife, mother of two wonderful children, Physical Therapy Assistant by profession, and dedicated church member and Sunday School teacher. She resides in the small town of Stanfield, North Carolina, where she enjoys writing, spending time with her children, and ministering to others through her work and small group Bible studies. You can read more of her writing on

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