“…For a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out—those who have done good will rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned.”
John 5:28b-29
Standing at the grave of a loved one causes you to examine the strength of your faith in the God who has promised hope and eternal life. Even more difficult is contemplating the fate of loved ones who fail to accept the gift of eternal life offered by Jesus. Hope springs up in the heart when you have the peace of knowing someone knew the Lord. When someone refuses every opportunity, we can only hope that sometime God spoke to their heart and they believed without our knowledge. We must trust that in heaven all will be right.
I know the sharp contrast of standing next to the grave of those who accepted Christ as their Savior as opposed to the sadness when they have refused Him. I know the urgency of prayer for the living, who turn their backs time and again.
We live in uncertain times. The world is full of evil and unrest. Terrorists, criminals, accidents, illness, are all on the rise. When you wake in the morning, you can never be certain what the day will bring. Each day is gift from God to be lived to the fullest; in thanks for His gracious protection and provision, as well as in glorifying His name by the way we live our lives.
Unsaved loved ones should be a constant burden on our hearts, but along with that must come a trust that God is merciful, just, and will make everything right in the end. I am conscious of the separation from loved ones who reject the Savior I live my life to represent. My heart breaks to think of them being condemned. We are separated in how we view the world and in our priorities. Our interests war with one another. When they won’t listen to my words, I must pray my life will be an open Bible speaking to their souls.
Make your rising prayer a plea for God to use you throughout your day, as a light of hope, a testimony of action if not words. Look forward in hope, living each day in the power of His promises, a blessed child of God, at peace with Him and in His service, knowing you are safe for all eternity—that the grave holds no power over you.
© Copyright 2012 by Norma Gail Thurston Holtman and www.normagail-2mefromhim.blogspot.com. All Rights Reserved.
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