Shellie Arnold is the author of Abide with Me, the third book in The Barn Church Series. Her books are aptly called Happily Ever After Books because Shellie believes that despite baggage, neglect, or mistakes—if a husband and wife listen to God, they can live happily even after. Get to know a little about her and put October 27th – November 2nd on your calendars so you don’t miss her author interview and a giveaway of an e-book copy of Abide with Me!
Fabulous Fridays
Meet Shellie Arnold
Shellie Arnold is a writer and speaker on marriage and family. She truly believes—despite baggage, neglect, or mistakes—if a husband and wife listen to God, they can live happily even after. Her passion is sharing how God is helping her do exactly that. She maintains a blog at www.shelliearnold.com and is the founder of YOUR MARRIAGE resources. Shellie is a mother of three and has home schooled for over twenty years. She lives in Ohio with her husband of thirty-one years.
Abide with Me
As a wealthy yet lonely wife, Angelina Rousseau pours all her emotions into her paintings. Desperate for affection and attention, she finds herself willing to do almost anything to feel loved. Her husband Nick is determined to provide everything Angie could want, including finally giving her what she’s asked for most—time with him. When what seems to be the perfect investment turns sour, he’s arrested for real estate fraud, but soon learns being accused of multiple felonies is the least of his worries.
Once again, Nick’s choices negatively affect Angelina. This time she’s forced to part with cherished possessions to finance his defense and protect her future. When Angelina’s carefully built walls begin to crumble, both husband and wife must examine their emotionally bankrupt marriage. Yet even if they discover what went wrong between them, Nick could still spend the rest of his life in prison.
Could “having it all” cost Nick and Angie more than they ever imagined?
Connect with Shellie:
Website: www.Shelliearnold.com
Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/shellie.arnold.7
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ShellieLArnold/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShellieArnold1
Book Links:
Abide with Me (Book 3): https://www.amazon.com/Abide-Barn-Church-Shellie-Arnold/dp/1946016276/
The Spindle Chair (Book 1): https://www.amazon.com/Spindle-Chair-Barn-Church/dp/1941103871/
Sticks & Stones (Book 2): https://www.amazon.com/Sticks-Stones-Barn-Church-2/dp/1938499603/
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