Meet Linda Yezak

Posted by on Jul 1, 2016 | Comments Off on Meet Linda Yezak

Meet Linda Yezak

The next author interview and book giveaway is scheduled for July 15th! As a bit of a hint, I would like to introduce you to my guest, author Linda Yezak. Though we haven’t met in person yet, I already know she has a great sense of humor and can write a book that keeps the reader turning pages as fast as they can! Join us on Friday, July 15th, as we get acquainted with Linda and her latest novel, The Final Ride!



Fabulous Fridays

Over twenty years ago, after a decade of life as a “single-again,” author Linda Yezak rediscovered Linda YezakGod’s love and forgiveness when He allowed her a second chance at marital happiness. She is now living her greatest romance with her husband in a forest in East Texas. After such an amazing blessing, she chooses to trumpet God’s gift of second chances in the books she writes. No matter what the genre, Linda’s books are couriers of new beginnings.

A self-described nut, she says, “I keep my feet candy-coated, because there’s no telling when one or both will land in my mouth.”

Candy flavor of choice? “Peppermint. Chocolate melts too fast.”

Her primary claim to fame is her remarkable ability to walk with her feet in her mouth.

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