Meet Bonny MacDonell, Heroine of Within Golden Bands

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Meet Bonny MacDonell, Heroine of Within Golden Bands

Meet Bonny McDonell, the main character in my latest novel, Within Golden Bands, the sequel to Land of My Dreams, which releases on May 19th.




Bonny McDonnell, Heroine of Within Golden Bands

Character Interview

Congratulations on your marriage to Kieran! How are things going?Bonny MacDonell
I think most people go into marriage wearing rose-colored glasses. Ours came off rather quickly. We delayed our honeymoon for six weeks to allow Kieran more time to heal from the gunshot wound in his abdomen from a poacher.

I began feeling bad just before we left for our honeymoon and got very sick on the flight from Scotland to New Mexico. Twelve hours on a plane with severe nausea. By the time we reached landed, I was so dehydrated the flight attendant insisted on getting a wheelchair. My best friends, Kari and Dan McDowell met us at the airport and took us to the emergency room at Presbyterian Hospital. I’ll never forget the look in those sky-blue eyes of Kieran’s when the doctor said I was pregnant. He looked like a kid when the Christmas tree lights go on for the first time. I was in such shock that it’s a good thing I was lying down!

Meet Bonny MacDonell from Within Golden Bands, a romantic suspense novel releasing May 19th! #Christfic #RomSus #preorder Share on X

Not long after we returned home, I awakened in the emergency room in Fort William. That’s the closest town to Stonehaven Farm with a hospital. All I wanted was Kieran but he was nowhere to be found. Now, I’m not giving out any spoilers here. But you know, my first thought was that I shouldn’t have allowed myself to get excited and start thinking about baby names and a nursery. There is loss too deep for tears. If I thank God, for one thing, each day, perhaps I can begin to heal.

If I thank God, for one thing, each day, perhaps I can begin to heal. Bonny McDonnell, Within Golden Bands #Christrom #preorder #amreading Share on X

Kieran MacDonellIt was almost two days before they found Kieran where his Land Rover had crashed in a ravine. While he was looking for missing sheep, some maniac hit him over the head. Between losing the baby and feeling as if we’re at war with some unknown enemy, we’ve had a stressful beginning to our marriage. We thought life would be so peaceful.

What do you find most surprising about marriage?
Kieran and I had our ups and downs before we got married but we always agreed on the big things. You know, faith in God, wanting a family, and working as a team on the farm. It’s been a real surprise to discover that when things go wrong, we don’t always agree. Marriage isn’t supposed to be this hard, is it?

What is amazing is the time we spend in prayer. All our differences melt away when we’re on our knees together. One scripture we lean on is Deuteronomy 33:25 (AMPC) “Your castles and strongholds shall have bars of iron and bronze, and as your day, so shall your strength, your rest, and security be.”

It’s been a real surprise to discover that when things go wrong, we don’t always agree. Bonny McDonnell, Within Golden Bands #RomSus #BYNR #Amazonbooks Share on X

What’s it like to go from university professor to wife to a Scottish sheep farmer?
We decided before our marriage to quit teaching and concentrate on the farm and the chapel Kieran started building after our broken engagement. However, no longer teaching is a bigger change than I imagined. I miss being around people all the time. I’m learning about the sheep slowly but having someone stalk you makes it difficult to concentrate.

Bonny MacDonell - Loch GarryYou lived in Scotland for almost a year before you married. Have you had any difficulty in adjusting to a climate so different from New Mexico?
I lived in Fort William, about an hour and a half from the farm. It’s much rainier here and I long for sunny New Mexico skies, especially when it rains for a week straight. I didn’t notice when we were falling in love and planning a wedding but sometimes, I miss that dry air.

What’s your favorite thing about living in Scotland?Bonny MacDonell - sheep
I lived in the mountains even in New Mexico, so I love that here. I’m still a desert rat, fascinated by large bodies of water. It’s amazing to have a loch in the front yard.

Oh, don’t forget the sheep! I love the sheep. They’re not as dumb as people tend to think. They are easily frightened though, and that gets them into trouble. I understand why Jesus used them in parables all of the time and said people were like them. I know I’m going to understand those scripture references better the longer I live here.

What are you learning through all the problems you’ve experienced?
Kieran and I have had one trial after another since before we got married. I’m really aware of how much I need to stay close to God. If it wasn’t for his help, I’d be terrified all the time. I’m closer to God than ever before, and I think Kieran would say the same thing. It’s not easy choosing to trust and never question the wisdom of God.

My most frequent prayer is still to be a mother. I’m ready. Kieran isn’t. That makes it really hard. We’ll see where God leads. God has a plan, and we need to discover it.

It’s not easy choosing to trust and never question the wisdom of God. Bonny McDonnell, Within Golden Bands #pageturner #adoption #infertility Share on X

Do you have any hints for the people who haven’t read your story yet?
I’m not giving hints. However, I will say that the best decision I ever made in my life, next to asking Jesus to be my Lord and Savior, was to marry Kieran MacDonell. No matter what happens, he’s like this old, stone house, steady and strong through every storm. He’ll make a wonderful pastor. I can’t wait until that chapel is ready to open.

If you loved the taste of Scotland you got from Land of My Dreams, you’ll be thrilled to know that the land itself is still a huge part of our story. And, I’ve been working on my Scots-Gaelic. So be ready for an adventure in the pages of Within Golden Bands!

If you loved Land of My Dreams, be ready for an adventure in the pages of Within Golden Bands! #Scotland #RomSus #BYNR Share on X

About the author:

Norma Gail - AuthorNorma Gail writes Fiction to Refresh Your Spirit. Her contemporary novels, Land of My Dreams, which won the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award, and Within Golden Bands (releasing May 19, 2020), explore the theme of women whose faith triumphs over trials. A women’s Bible study leader for over 21 years, her devotionals and poetry have appeared at, the Stitches Thru Time blog, Inspire a Fire, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, Historical Writers of America, and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 44 years. They have two adult children. To connect with her, you can follow her blog, or join her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Goodreads, or Amazon.




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