Jesus Has Overcome

Posted by on Oct 24, 2011 | Comments Off on Jesus Has Overcome

“For every child of God defeats this evil world,
 and we achieve this victory through our faith.”
1 John 5:4 NLT
A dear friend is experiencing the devastating effects of an illness which makes it impossible to live life normally. Another is undergoing treatment for cancer and has limited ability to withstand the treatments available. I have suffered the effects of a life-altering and debilitating condition for many years.
          We live in a time where the numbers of those without jobs seems to escalate by the day. To simply have a job, in this day and time, is to be blessed. Friends are making decisions about retirement based on the financial prospects of the future and benefits that are necessary to maintain a comfortable way of life.
          Jesus spoke of many things the night before His death, things we need to know in order to live in the power of His promised Holy Spirit. He knew that there are no certainties in human life. He told His disciples that they would face troubles of many kinds, but to take heart in the fact that He had overcome the world.
          Many of us live each day fighting to overcome an enemy which threatens to overcome us. Sometimes we give in to fear, fatigue and fatalism. If you are a believer it is not necessary to allow the world and the circumstances of your life to overcome you. Your spirit cannot be held prisoner.
Jesus is not captive to any earthly circumstance. Bank accounts, wheelchairs and the ability to communicate or function as a productive member of society are not boundaries to Him. He is at work somehow, even if others cannot see Him, even if you cannot see Him right now.
          Your trial may be for the benefit of others, rather than yourself. We are not privy to the workings of the Holy Spirit, but when we face life with the knowledge that His will is perfect, we will be overcomers. It is His promise. Therefore it is reality.
          What threatens you? What holds you captive? What appears to render you ineffective?
          Make the choice today to trust that the promises of God are unfailing. No matter what encumbers you, chose to look for the ways Jesus is enabling you to be an overcomer.

Copyright by Norma Gail Thurston-Holtman & 2MefromHim Ministries, 2011. All rights reserved. Do not use without permission of author.

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