He Does All Things Well

Posted by on May 18, 2011 | Comments Off on He Does All Things Well

“He has done everything well…” Mark 7:37

The time following her diagnosis was like a roller coaster moving inevitably toward a dreaded ending. As Christians we must remember that God uses even the worst to mature and perfect those who love Him.
The most difficult things reveal that nothing God allows is ultimately harmful or bad, though it may seem so at the time. We must meet hardships in the faith that He will bring good out of our trials. We walk by faith and not by sight. But it is not only for this life. Our hope is eternal and so we must trust Him and journey on through the storms that come our way.
My dear friend taught me how to live as she faced her death—the lessons of a life well-lived—the victorious life of a believer in Jesus Christ can teach us how to live day-to-day. So here is what I learned:

·         Our chief aim in life, no matter what our circumstances, should be to know God and glorify Him—the better we do the first, the better able we are to do the second.
·         Adversity will come, but God’s sovereign will triumphs when we are obedient to Him.
·         There is always hope. Jesus will either make things right immediately, be with us through the storms, or bring the ultimate blessing by taking us to be with Him. If we remain in Him, we win.
·         We must face trials “in Christ alone.” The only way to do that is to already be in close relationship with Christ on a daily basis through His word and prayer. You cannot draw strength from what you do not have.
·         “Why?” should always lead us to God, not despair. It is a dead end question.
·         We must live our lives in such a way that we are remembered for our love of God and service to Him—nothing else lasts.

Jesus—not my feelings, desires, other people, or the Enemy—but Jesus, alone, is in control. Face life with an attitude of victory!

Copyright by Norma Gail Thurston Holtman. Do not use without written permission of the author.

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