“And Noah did all that the Lord commanded him…And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives entered the ark to escape the waters of the flood…Then the Lord shut him in…But God remembered Noah…” Genesis 7:5, 7, 16 & 8:1
My husband was without a job. I needed major surgery. Our three-year-old daughter needed surgery. It was a time of uncertainty.
We were following the Lord, serving Him and giving faithfully, but times of trouble still came. I remember so clearly when my husband walked through the door with a box of his things at lunchtime and said he was going back to clean out his office. His boss had told him he was no longer needed. We had two small children and we weren’t certain what we were going to do.
We were blessed that my husband had been meticulous about saving, but we didn’t know how long the money would have to last. Having big medical bills on top of the usual expenses didn’t help any.
A favorite Bible study leader of mine calls times like this “Noah’s Ark experiences.” Yes, Noah and his family were all safe within the ark while “all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens opened…” The waters raged without and rose above the mountain tops and it was probably not exactly smooth sailing. It must have been downright frightening at times.
Sometimes we are allowed to go through rough storms in life and there is nothing to do but ride it out trusting in the promises of God.
I am certain a part of the comfort Noah’s family had was remembering God, Himself, had shut the door. They knew He had put them into the ark and trusted He would save them. They really didn’t have much choice.
Sometimes we do have the choice of whether or not to trust God to bring us safely through our storms. We can get ourselves in real messes when we decide to go it on our own.
We have to learn that when God shuts the door, He isn’t shutting us in and Himself out. He is in there with us. After several months God brought us out of our storm and provided everything we needed in the midst of it.
What storm are you facing?
This world is full of uncertainties, but we can be certain God is with us. He will remember us. Whatever your situation, choose to believe God is right there with you and will bring you through safely.
Copyright by Norma Gail Thurston Holtman & 2MefromHim.blogspot.com. All Rights Reserved. Do not use without express written permission of the author.
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