Finding Peace

Posted by on Jun 18, 2012 | Comments Off on Finding Peace

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:6, 7
I was upset, hurt, and afraid. Every time I turned around I was being met with something else that sent up red flags, hints that told me things were not as they should be. I couldn’t concentrate, felt like crying, felt like nothing would ever be right. I felt hopeless, with no peace of mind and heart. I was in turmoil.
            I had done everything I could. My emotions were raw and my patience was exhausted. I felt miserable and in turn I made others miserable also. Praying was the only thing left, but it was the one thing which had the potential to settle me down and bring me peace.
            We are often guilty of saying, “There’s nothing to do but pray.” Far from being a statement of hopelessness, this statement is full of hope. It is full of truth. If I would learn to make it the first thing every time, my life would be better off and so would the lives of those around me. The one, single, most important thing we can do is to pray.
            Scripture tells us to “pray without ceasing.” That speaks of a life of prayer, of praying being as natural as breathing, not something we do after calling all of our prayer partners and crying on their shoulders, and worrying ourselves half sick.
            If I was to take all the energy I put into worrying and use it praying, some marvelous things would happen. I have seen it happen before when I focused on keeping things in God’s perspective rather than my own.
            The one thing we crave when everything seems out of control is peace. We want to let things go and feel like they are being handled, that something positive is being done. Why then, do we put ourselves through such torture and upset? Why do we avoid the very thing which can give us hope?
            Dear Lord, help me to keep my priorities right, to keep things where I can see them from your perspective. Help me remember that only you have the power to make things right when I am helpless and hopeless. Only in you can I find peace. Father, help me remember to take things to you first, and leave them there. Only then will I experience the peace that passes all understanding. Thank you for always being my Prince of Peace.

© Copyright 2012 by Norma Gail Thurston Holtman and All Rights Reserved.

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