Holding my tiny great nephew in my arms, I was once again amazed at the infinite love and care taken by our Creator God in fashioning the human body. No matter how large it grows, the scarring from accidents, the marring of body piercing or tattoos inflicted by its inhabitant, the human body is fearfully and wonderfully fashioned by God. It functions with amazing and intricate capabilities, surviving horrible destructive forces and fighting for survival to its last breathe–so “fearfully and wonderfully” crafted by its Maker.
2MefromHim Devotionals
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too lofty for me to attain…I praise you
because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Psalm 139:4, 14a
The Creator, shining like the sun, speaking words of love and promise, knelt in the dust of the ground, molding into a form unlike anything else in His vast universe. Like a potter , He pinched the clay, just so, forming a nose. From his vast and infinite palette, He choose a color from His vast and infinite palette, He added just enough color to the eyes to suite Him. Then, pressing a slight indentation below the mouth, He fashioned a dimple in the strong chin, and sat back to admire His creation, the perfect man. Sighing with deep satisfaction, He cradled the head between His hands, and gently breathed life into the first man–naming him Adam.
Genesis 2 describes God kneeling, kneading and molding, Psalm 139 says, “…you knit me together in my mother’s womb…my frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place…your eyes saw my unformed body.”
My fascination with the intricacies of the human body has led to an overwhelming awe of God. This delicately woven creation is all the proof I need of the existence of a Master Creator. My own health issues ended my nursing career far too soon, but caring for God’s creation is what I was born to do.
Whether assisting with the birth of a child, caring for an ill or accident-torn person, or standing at a death bed, I sense the presence of the Holy Spirit. As I heard the final beats of a heart through my stethoscope or prepared a body for family to view, I was performing a sacred duty.
I have struggled with many health issues over the years, and each one convinces me more of the miraculous body we live in. The different indicators on a monitor in an intensive care unit measure man’s knowledge of the human body, yet so much more is incomprehensible, no matter how advanced the medical degree of the doctor. Conception, birth, healing, and death are cause for great wonder. God created a marvelous being, with such amazing physical and mental capabilities that I stand in awe.
When I feel as if God is far away, I think on the loving care with which He knit me together. I am unique from everyone else who has ever lived or ever will live. And God never finishes molding us during our time on this earth. My choice to follow Him enables Him to continue making me more and more like Him throughout my life.
God’s works may be too lofty for me to comprehend, but I can trust Him to make all things right because He “fearfully and wonderfully ” formed me for a special purpose.
Copyright by Norma Gail Thurston Holtman
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