
Posted by on Mar 5, 2012 | Comments Off on Change

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
Hebrews 13:8
            The decision was made. There was no going back. My husband and I, two city born and bred adults, moved to three acres in the mountains. Our grown children, our mothers, our church, and my husband’s job were in town, a minimum of thirty minutes away.
            In our first winter we had eighty inches of snow, an amazing amount in the desert southwest. No more quick runs to the grocery store, no more walking a short distance in my bathrobe for the newspaper, no more running to the next door for a cup of sugar. I don’t adapt to change easily, but my whole way of living changed.
            Changes take us out of our comfort-zone. They challenge us to add new dimensions to our personalities and our routines. They cause us to meet new people, learn new skills, and accept different ways of doing things. They can also make us uncomfortable, nervous, and in some cases, threaten our sense of well-being.
            When Jesus began His earthly ministry, He left a quiet life as a small town carpenter, to do things which were not well accepted by the religious authorities, his family, or hometown friends. He had no permanent home. His followers weren’t certain who they were following. He was misunderstood, threatened, and tempted by Satan. Through faithfulness to and trust in God, He made such an impact that human history, religion, and our calendar were forever changed.  
When changes come, Jesus would have me remember that He is sovereign over all. Nothing happens unless He allows it for His purposes. Understanding that, and trusting in Him, I can become more flexible. Trusting in His promises, even in times of turmoil will enable me to grow and mature, becoming more like Him.
            Lord, help me choose to face changes with a sense of anticipation, knowing that you alone are in control and will never let go of me. Guide me and help me grow when life brings changes and challenges. Help me trust you that, while things and people often change, you never will. Your person, purposes, and promises remain the same.

Copyright by Norma Gail Thurston-Holtman & 2MefromHim Ministries, 2011. All rights reserved. Do not use without permission of author.

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