Blessing Out of Trial

Posted by on Jun 24, 2012 | Comments Off on Blessing Out of Trial

If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness.” 2 Corinthians 11:30
God answered our prayers with two beautiful adopted children, twenty-one months apart, but parenting was far harder than I had ever imagined. We spent days on end in doctor’s offices, first one would get an ear infection, and then the other, then I would get a sinus infection. One never slept, night or day and wanted to be carried all of the time, while the other found mischief everywhere.
I was exhausted, sick, and disheartened. Finding time for a quiet time or Bible study often eluded me; though my Bible often stayed open on the kitchen counter, for quick peeks as I passed by. When I asked my mother why she had not told me how difficult it would be, she said I wouldn’t have believed her. Everyone has to experience it for themselves.
Life is often hard and answered prayers are not always what we think they will be. Difficulties are a part of life and no blessing comes completely without cost. God answers our prayers, but challenges our souls. He wastes no experience, but uses even small events to train us and with great blessings come great challenges. Our God wants us to look to Him in every season of life and realize our need. He is a great economist and nothing is wasted which might draw us closer to Him.
The pain of infertility was a blessing which brought me two of the greatest joys of my life. God uses our children to teach us great lessons. As our heavenly Father, God experiences pain when we must learn things the hard way also. He knows our pain, and therefore is our perfect help.
Joy and sorrows both are wasted if we gain nothing from them. We must learn to look for God in every situation of life. God is faithful no matter what our situation. He is there is the good times to rejoice with us, and there in the hard times to comfort and guide. His desire is to show us Himself and to draw us closer to Him.
Lord, help me not to miss you in the place where you have me today. In both blessing and trial, help me to see what glorifies you and what benefits me. Help me to do my part in never missing the lesson you are teaching, that I might more fully reflect you to those around me.

© Copyright 2012 by Norma Gail Thurston Holtman and All Rights Reserved.

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