Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword…No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:35-37
Have you written anything about overcoming challenges?
The question almost made me laugh. Overcoming challenges is something I have done pretty much on a daily basis since college. I had just finished an email to my Bible study co-leader telling her how difficult my summer has been and how poorly I have dealt with some physical problems I have faced. Another friend emailed me about challenges she is facing in relationships. I confessed to her how much better I do when I am leading a weekly Bible study than in the summer when I read my devotional and scripture each morning, but don’t always take the time to write down what I learn.
There is a definite difference between studying God’s word and writing down the applications and just reading something and moving on with my day. Taking the time to digest scripture to such an extent that I can write about it forces the principle into my heart and mind in a way that just reading can never accomplish.
Intense headaches have limited my reading and writing this summer and I can see the impact on my attitude, inward as I deal with the physical pain, and outward in my attitude toward others.
Years ago, when the after effects of thyroid cancer stole every bit of physical energy, I was still able to show up at Bible study on a weekly basis with a smile. As the newly appointed Women’s Bible Study Coordinator at our church, I felt a tremendous responsibility to be prepared for the women participating in our evening and morning Bible studies.
This summer I have neglected my reading and writing. The result is a feeling of defeat. It is easy to make excuses when circumstances are not perfect. God will be there waiting when I get around to spending time with Him. However, there is a cost to me in neglecting Him for even a day.
Relationships, work, thought patterns, and so much more, relate to how much I depend on God to get me through. God gives victory even in trials if I only take the time to find Him.
If you need a lift today, look to God’s word. It is there that we find our strength.
© Copyright by Norma Gail Thurston Holtman, August 21, 2014
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