Love God’s Way – A 2MefromHim Devotional
Love God’s way. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Can I give it? I would love to hear your thoughts!
Read MoreHarsh Words – A 2MefromHim Devotional
Harsh words hurt. Some people have the habit of saying things that wound deeply. Others are gracious even in criticism. Scripture has a lot to say about words and the tongue. I’d love to hear your comments!
Read MoreBlessed Controller – A 2MefromHim Devotional
J.B. Phillips calls our Lord, Jesus Christ “the blessed controller of all things”. Yet often life seems to spin and twirl out of control like a carnival ride gone crazy. In those times, we must remember who controlled the wind and waves, who raised from the dead, who promised to never leave or forsake us. We must trust that God is in control.
Read MoreThe Greatest Christmas Story Ever Told
The greatest Christmas story ever told is found in the 66 books of the Bible. From Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21, the story of why we celebrate the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ . This event changed the world forever and has the power to change the life of every one of us. May you know His free gift of forgiveness and eternal life this Christmas!
Read MoreThe Gift of Comfort: Gifts of Christmas Part 3
Comfort is often lacking in our Christmas celebrations. Yet the holiday season is one of the most difficult for those who are hurting. Each of us knows someone who is alone, struggling, and in pain. We must share hope with those who have none, and meet them on their own terms to let them know we care.
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