Everyone has something they are afraid of. Guest, Alisha Ritchie, offers some insight into something we do not have to be afraid of. When you hear “Knock, Knock” on the door of your life from God, answer!
2MefromHim Devotional
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7 NIV
I am 38 years old and I admit that I am a major chicken… A major chicken when it comes to opening the door to someone I don’t know. Yes, I know it sounds silly but it’s true. When I’m home alone and the doorbell rings, I just cringe. “Who could that be? Is it someone I know? What do they want?” are some of the questions that flood my mind. Fear of the unknown unsettles my soul and makes my palms sweat. I peer out the kitchen window trying to get a glimpse of the visitor. Sometimes I crawl on my hands and knees to get a better view of the front porch without being detected. Absolutely ridiculous, I know. But I just can’t help it. I always have been and always will be a major chicken when it comes to opening doors.
When thinking about this fear, I am reminded of Scripture that refers to believers knocking on the door. In Matthew we read, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” In this passage of Scripture, we are promised that if we knock, the door will be opened for us. God is not standing on the other side of the door, petrified to let us in, like me. Excitedly, He welcomes us with open arms, a warm hug. He invites us to commune with Him and desires to share His intimate thoughts and feelings with us. He is waiting for us, on the other side of the door, ready to reveal more of Himself as we spend time in His presence. So be persistent in knocking on the door of God. He wants us to actively seek Him and in the process, bless us with increased faith, focus, and determination. He will always be there to open the door for you, welcoming you into His presence with a warm embrace.
About the author:
Alisha Ritchie is a wife, mother of two wonderful children, Physical Therapy Assistant by profession, and dedicated church member and Sunday School teacher. She resides in the small town of Stanfield, North Carolina, where she enjoys writing, spending time with her children, and ministering to others through her work and small group Bible studies. You can read other devotions she has written on www.christiandevotions.us.
Alisha! I have the same fear! It almost paralyzes me. This was a beautiful turnaround with such a wonderful Scripture! Blessings!
Thank you, Bonnie!!! It’s an embarrassing fear but I’m so thankful God loves me (and you, too) unconditionally anyway. Blessings to you!!!
Really enjoyed this Alisha. Thank you for the reminder of how much God loves to embrace us and spend time with us.
Thanks so much, Marcie! It still amazes me that God desires spending time with a sinner like me. Hope you have a wonderful evening. Blessings!!!